
5 Star Servants Tier List: Best Servants [5/9 updated!]

Fate Grand Order 5 Star Servants Tier List, Best 5 Star Servant, Rating.
[US] Fate Grand Order
How to unlock/max Irisviel
update 09/05/2018

Any of the 5 stars currently avaliable will get you very far into the game, and all of them can be used in some way shape or form. The rate for 5 stars is 1%, please keep this in mind when rerolling / spending money on this game.

Tier List Rating System

We are applying a new tier list rating system right now. The list is more focused on how a servant performs more in neutral situations rather than advantageous or disadvantageous situations.

If you have any opinions on this, we'd like to hear your feedback so we can continue to improve this list.

SCan fill a wide variety of roles, class disadvantage is negligible, has an easy 50-50 chance in 1v1 or better
ACan fill a wide variety of roles, has an easy 50-50 chance in 1v1 or better
BCan fill multiple roles
CHas a specific role
DCannot find a role, can only be good for stats
ENeeds strengthening
EXDoes not fit in any category

Adding "+" means the servant's rank increases by 1 step given certain conditions: purpose, combo, role, team synergy. Best applied only to notable servants. Can be applied multiple times

Tier list updates

EN (US) tier list [May 9]

Added to Rank B
Shuten Douji
Shuten Douji
Added to Rank A

JP tier list update [May 11]

The new tier list rating system is applied now.

Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova
Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova
Added to Rank A
Ivan the Terrible
Ivan the Terrible
Added to Rank A

5th Interlude Update

The following servants are under re-evaluation due to strengthening they received from the 5th Interlude Update

Expected result of re-evalution: Rank B --> B+
Brynhildr received a powerful buff to her third skill.
Hero's Bridesmaid C --> C++
-Max Critical Star Absorption increases from 600% to 3000%
-Healing ability remains the same.
-New Critical Damage Up effect added, up to 40%.
The skill is still targetable, making this ability powerful from a flexibility standpoint as well.
Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci
Expected result of re-evaluation: Rank C+ --> C+
New interlude strengthens Da Vinci's NP.
Uomo Universale EX --> 'EX'
- Improved damage multiplier from 750% Max to 900%
- Introduces Critical Attack Chance debuff from 10% to 30%.
Expected result after re-evalution: Rank A --> A
Sceherazade received a strengthening to her third skill after her new interlude.
Counter Hero A --> Counter Hero (Speech) EX
- Same Guts effect and Attack debuff against enemies with King trait.
- Added new effect to grant other party members Guts status for 2 turns, reviving for 500HP.

EN Tier list

SJeanne d’Arc (Alter)
A+Cu Chulainn (Alter)
AZhuge LiangTamamo no MaeJeanne d’ArcOkita SoujiGilgameshJack the RipperAlteraNikola TeslaBrynhildrOrionScathachShuten Douji
BSakata KintokiFrancis DrakeNero Claudius (Bride)Amakusa ShirouVlad IIIKarnaMordredAltria PendragonArjunaIskandar
CEdmond DantesMysterious Heroine X (Assassin)Medb
DRyougi Shiki(Saber)

"+" Servants

Cu Chulainn (Alter)
Cu Chulainn (Alter)
You can consider him a rank higher when he's fighting alone.

EN Notable Servants

ServantRating Explanation
Zhuge Liang
Zhuge Liang
Waver is an amazing support Servant who will be useful even into the later game, as he can provide the most NP charge to other members of the party, in addition to good buffs on attack, defense and crit damage. His own NP has to ability to stall by stunning and decrease the enemy's NP charge while also inflicting a defense down. Keep in mind that he is a support servant, and will do just that. He won't be dealing a huge amount of damage.
NP deals extra damage against most servants, and he also has an NP gain up skill. His NP gain is further enhanced by his ability to use stars (star absorb skill), and the standard Independant Action allows him to deal huge amonts of crit damage. Keep in mind that he is only avaliable on a limited Gacha, so he isn't the best reroll target.
Jeanne d’Arc
Jeanne d’Arc
Jeanne is an amazing servant in the early to mid game, as she resists damage from all classes except Berserker. She also provides party-wide invincibility for a turn, which can be used to absorb the damage from enemy NPs when the battle goes long. In the later game she starts to fall off because her NP stuns her for two turn and she has low damage potential, combined with the introduction of enemies with invincibility piercing abilities. However when she recieves her interlude, the stun demerit is removed from her NP, which makes her useful once again.
Sakata Kintoki
Sakata Kintoki
Currently, Kintoki's NP Brave chains are able to deplete a significant portion of most enemies' HP, making him a highly effective Servant. His performance, however, will continually decrease as opponents' HP amounts are increased later on in the game.
Altria Pendragon
Altria Pendragon
The Flagship Saber, can provide benefits to the team with her Charisma and has Prana Burst to enhance her Noble Phantasm. She has high HP and her NP has an overcharge effect of gaining NP charge. However as it is not a single target NP it will not burst down bosses quickly.
Vlad III
Vlad III
At launch he likely one of the strongest servants in the game, due to being the only 5 star Berserker (with stats to match). However be will truly shine when Tamamo no Mae is released, who will allow him to repeatedly use his NP to great effect. For now, he can do well just from his stats and class.
Altera is a powerful Saber class servant, with selfish skills that enable her as an attacker. Her NP has the capability to obliterate waves, especially when paired with her buffs. An important thing to note is her final skill unlocks with her third ascension which is currently hard to obtain. With the highest attack stat in the current state of the game, and her divinity passive she can and will obliterate targets, even more so with a brave chain and/or crits.
Edmond Dantes
Edmond Dantes
High ATK and a skillset that promotes offense, Dantes is a great offensive servant to have. Wether as the center of your team or as support, he plays a well-rounded role. He plays into quick and critical centered teams as per his command deck and Noble Phantasm. Due to his average star generation and abyssmal NP gain rate, he is not suited to operating alone or expected to carry any battles. The lack of survivability tools enforce this even more.
Jeanne d’Arc (Alter)
Jeanne d’Arc (Alter)
Possessing a very high ATK stat and the most damage-focused skillset among virtually all ingame Servants, Jeanne Alter's offensive capabilities in a critical team is unmatched, though due to her Avenger class, she will deal neutral damage most of the time.

JP Tier List

A+GilgameshJeanne d’ArcCu Chulainn (Alter)Katsushika Hokusai
AAlteraZhuge LiangOrionTamamo no MaeOkita SoujiScathachJack the RipperMordredJeanne d’Arc (Alter)Shuten DoujiRamesses IIIshtarEnkiduQuetzalcoatlMiyamoto MusashiMeltlilithKing HassanCaster of Nightless CityNero Claudius (Caster Summer 2017)Abigail WilliamsEreshkigalAnastasia Nikolaevna RomanovaIvan the Terrible
B+Vlad IIINikola TeslaNightingaleIllyasviel von EinzbernSessyoin Kiara
BAltria PendragonFrancis DrakeArjunaKarnaBrynhildrNero Claudius (Bride)Amakusa ShirouIskandarXuanzangMinamoto no YorimitsuAltriaPendragon(Lancer)Tamamo no Mae(Lancer)Arturia Pendragon(Archer)CleopatraArthur Pendragon(Prototype)Sherlock HolmesSaber Alter (Rider, Summer 2017)OsakabehimeSemiramis
C+Mysterious Heroine X (Assassin)MedbLeonardo Da Vinci
CSakata KintokiEdmond DantesArcher of ShinjukuHijikata Toshizou
DRyougi Shiki(Saber)Mysterious Heroine X (Alter)

"+" Servants

An S class servant when standing alone, he can be considered ascending a rank on the condition that he has any ally with him at all.
Completing the strengthening quest would considerably power him up.
Jeanne d’Arc
Jeanne d’Arc
Completing the strengthening quest would considerably power her up.
Cu Chulainn (Alter)
Cu Chulainn (Alter)
You can consider him a rank higher when he's fighting alone.
Katsushika Hokusai
Katsushika Hokusai
On condition that she fights against enemies with the trait of "man"
Vlad III
Vlad III
Completing the strengthening quest would considerably power him up.
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla
Completing the strengthening quest would considerably power him up.
Completing the strengthening quest would considerably power her up.
Illyasviel von Einzbern
Illyasviel von Einzbern
Completing the strengthening quest would considerably power her up.
Sessyoin Kiara
Sessyoin Kiara
Completing the strengthening quest would considerably power her up.
Mysterious Heroine X (Assassin)
Mysterious Heroine X (Assassin)
Completing the NP strengthening quest power her up. Fighting saber-faces significantly increases her usefulness.
Completing the strengthening quest would considerably power her up.
Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci
Her effectiveness is tied to her team line-up. She does considerably better in arts based teams.

[JP] Notable Servants

ServantRating Explanation
Having most of the kit needed for hard quests (damage buffs, healing, star generation, party Invulnerability, and NP charge), Merlin allows players to clear challenges way more easily. His notable weaknesses are that he is unable to provide a defense buff, and that his Invulnerability skill has a rather long cooldown.
Zhuge Liang
Zhuge Liang
Providing a significant on-demand NP charge as well as performance boost for a certain duration, Zhuge Liang is most suited for fast-paced battles. As he lacks healing and significant defensive skills, however, he is somewhat unsuited for drawn-out fights.
Jeanne d’Arc
Jeanne d’Arc
With her NP's stun no longer in the picture, Jeanne is now a highly consistent defensive Servant, providing a teamwide Invulnerability, healing, and the coveted party debuff removal. These factors place her as one of the most sought after Servants for harder content.
Jeanne d’Arc (Alter)
Jeanne d’Arc (Alter)
Possessing a very high ATK stat and the most damage-focused skillset among virtually all ingame Servants, Jeanne Alter's offensive capabilities in a critical team is unmatched, though due to her Avenger class, she will deal neutral damage most of the time.
While Ereshkigal possesses notable support capabilities, these are not exactly what we would call 'decisive', especially given Protection from the Underworld's only 50% uptime. While she can also be used offensively, her lower NP damage and lack of critical absorption leaves her in an awkward spot, where her QQABB deck compromises her mainly supportive role.


Hot New Top
How is mordred so much better in the jp version compared to na? I don’t see any strengthenings
<< Anonymous
God Reply
It's because the jp sv have merlin- one of the best support servants in the game.
I would think that Achilles belongs in somewhere in the A section because he's an absolute beast in Quick attack, and his NP is pretty great when you're wiping out a crowd of enemies (well I guess Casters in particular)
How can raikou be that low? Considering her damage and raw power its impossible that she's only B tier
<< Anonymous
Ur-Thor Reply
Beyond damage cap, we now consider self-sufficiency, survivability, and support ability(team buffs & enemy debuffs) as part of our tier list.

Her high damage and AoE NP put her B minimum. It's a difficult to give her a high score on things like support ability and self-sufficiency. She would be an easy A but judging survivability is hard, having evasion and weakness to all. But we'll re-evaluate.
Why is Agartha Caster so high up?
<< Anonymous
Ur-Thor Reply
Low damage aside, she has decent debuffing capabilities for delaying enemy NP, and hard defensive option in case things go wrong. She deals good damage to enemies with "king" trait and is greatly improved by her strengthening quest.

She will probably still undergo re-evaluation.
List makes no sense in a lot of aspects... Altera clearly is better than Mordred, Summer Arturia is better than Orion, Tamamo Lancer destroyes Enkidu, Mama Raikou can't be that low no matter what.. I don't know how you are messing stuff,but whatever you do it should be consistent (pick the simplest servant that can be compared and check. the examples I gave before which should be common sense violates your list). Clearly, it is not.
<< Anonymous(Marco)
Ur-Thor Reply
We'll be re-evaluating the servants you've indicated then and re-check the roster over all.
This list is very terrible how people like Altera and Mordred are above Tesla?
<< Anonymous
Ur-Thor Reply
True, we'll be re-evaluating Tesla.

Though do note that ranks with "+" signs don't indicate a rank between two ranks but instead indicate a step-up in rank given circumstances.
Some F2P with Some L
So Quick is back huh? Maid Alter, Jack, Scathach, Enkidu, Okita, etc..
<< Anonymous(Some F2P with Some L)
KrisX_212 Reply
Kind of outdated list, really. We're in process to rearrange the tier list.
i think you need to add "Broken tier list" since from the beginning zhuge liang and tamamo are not even match with merlin. if we want to rank this servant by number out of 10. Zhuge and tamamo will get 9 and merlin 9.5 based on how they as support with great skill and np
Why does Okita go from C to S tier in JP with the March 14 update? Did she get a buff?
<< Anonymous
KrisX_212 Reply
We were previously using very outdated information. We tried to rearrange our database at the moment.

Feel free to tell how she should rank.
<< KrisX_212
Anonymous Reply
Well, she's good for quick teams, but quick teams are altogether pretty bad now/are completely outclassed by Buster teams with 2030 and Merlin. I think Musashi clearly is stronger than her at this point, so even if you're high on her you couldn't put her above A tier. I'd probably put her there, but others like appmedia put her in B tier.
<< Anonymous
Ur-Thor Reply
As Kris said, we are reworking our tier list and re-evaluating how we rank servants. Ofcourse tier lists aren't perfect and we appreciate feedback from players like yourself. We will be adjusting their ranks soon.

Both servants have their pros and cons, and though one is stronger, it's difficult to say which is better. Okita will likely move down a rank in the next update though
Common now. Scathach isnt C tier. She is definitely better than that other lancer in the c tier, they are not on par with each other. Her level is somewhere along the lancers you put on the A tier list.
<< Anonymous
eh Reply
Quick is dead + Multiple health bars on enemies so one time damage burst servants like Scathach aren't thaaaat helpful anymore
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And now she's A tier
ya boy knows h2p
Guys guys... anything can be SS tier if you know what/ how you use it.
<< Anonymous(ya boy knows h2p)
Not really Reply
Some servants are inherently stronger than others.
Ace All555
plz update the list guys

Commens and feedback




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