
4th Singularity: London

Fate Grand Order 4th Singularity London, the Mist City, farming items, enemy info, tips and guides.
[US] Fate Grand Order
How to unlock/max Irisviel
update 29/12/2017

Farming (Free Quest)

Drop and Enemy Info


Fog, Carriages and Gas Lamps
AP: 15
Item Drop:
Eternal Gear Gem of Assassin

AP: 15
Item Drop:
Void's Dust Eternal Gear Gem of Assassin Magic Gem of Assassin Assassin Piece Assassin Monument

Square Mile
AP: 15
Item Drop:
Homunculus Baby Gem of Lancer

Downtown Attractions
AP: 16
Item Drop:
Void's Dust Eternal Gear Homunculus Baby Gem of Lancer Gem of Assassin Magic Gem of Lancer Magic Gem of Assassin Secret Gem of Lancer Caster Piece Caster Monument
Assassin Lancer Caster

Scotland Yard
AP: 16
Item Drop:
Void's Dust Homunculus Baby Gem of Lancer Secret Gem of Lancer Caster Piece Caster Monument
Lancer Caster

Royal Hunting Grounds
AP: 16
Item Drop:
Eternal Gear Forbidden Page Gem of Saber Gem of Caster
Saber Caster

Healing Well
AP: 18
Item Drop:
Eternal Gear Evil Bone Gem of Saber Gem of Assassin Magic Gem of Assassin Secret Gem of Assassin
Saber Assassin

Borough Market
AP: 18
Item Drop:
Homunculus Baby Evil Bone Gem of Archer Gem of Lancer Magic Gem of Lancer Secret Gem of Lancer
Lancer Archer

Crystal Palace Ruins
AP: 20
Item Drop:
Forbidden Page Evil Bone Gem of Lancer Gem of Caster Magic Gem of Caster Secret Gem of Caster
Lancer Caster

Boss Strategy

The hardest boss in this Singularity is Solomon and the Four Devoting Pillars, at the 13th chapter, fifth battle.

If you have been powerleveling, the boss isn't that hard. But for those who haven't...

Tips and Tricks

  • Solomon is a Grand Caster.
  • He deals extra damage towards Knight classes (Saber, Lancer and Archer) and takes extra damage from Cavalry classes (Rider, Caster, Assassin and Berserker).
  • However, he does not take decreased damage against Knight classes or deal decreased damage against Cavalry classes.
  • He gets around 3 actions per turn.
  • He has a tendency to spam the skill Browse, which inflicts Burn and decreases defense, the latter can stack.
  • His other skill is The Time of Despair has Come, which will not only debuffs your party's Critical Star drop rate and decreases their NP bar, but also increases his own Critical and NP power. He doesn't spam it as often as Browse.
  • All of his attacks deal damage to all allies, so taunting does not work here. The same goes to his Noble Phantasm/Skill; Incineration Ritual: Beleth. Combined with his tendency to decrease defense and raising his NP power, this can be dangerous if left untended.
  • Burn can kill a Servant hiding behind Evade/Invincible, so either heal or remove the debuff whenever possible and said Servant is in extremely low HP

Recommended Servants

  • Riders, Casters, Assassins or Rulers (at this point, only Jeanne d’Arc) are recommended since they do not take extra damage from his AOE attacks.
  • Servants that can increase defense, particularly to the whole party are recommended (prominently, Zhuge Liang)
  • Servants that can remove debuffs are recommended, even moreso if it's affecting all allies (Saint Martha). Try to find Cavalry-class Servants with such skills.
  • Mashu Kyrielight work really well here due to being unaffected with double damage based on class and being able to raise the defense of the allies on demand.
  • David can work in here despite taking extra damage (being an Archer), since he possesses an all-allies Evade and heal at the same time, which can help stave off Solomon's party-wide attacks (especially if his only uses one action to attack)

London Pickup Summon

London Pickup 1 Summon

Pickup Servants

  • Anti-Arthur AOE NP
  • NP Charge & Self Def Buff skill
  • Self Buster Buff skill
  • AOE Quick NP, self-inflicts stun for 2 turns.
  • NP gain buff.
  • Stun also decreases enemy defense.
  • NP damage buff, self-inflicts Burn on herself.
Henry Jekyll & Hyde
Jekyll & Hyde
  • Buser NP, transforms into Hyde, Increases max HP and restores health to full, self buster buff increas with Overcharge.
  • Attack buff.
  • Stun.
  • Crit damage buff.
  • All skills are more powerful / have higher success rate while in Hyde form.
Paracelsus Van Hohenheim
  • AOE Arts NP, reduces enemy attack according to Overcharge.
  • NP charge skill.
  • Party-wide Arts buff.
  • Guts.
Charles Babbage
  • AOE Buster NP, reduces enemy defense with Overcharge.
  • NP gain buff coupled with star generation.
  • Attack buff coupled with Invincibility.
  • NP damage buff but inflicts burn.

Pickup Craft Essences

1. London, City of Demonic Fog

1Automata x328Assassin 6,729

2. Knight of Londinium

Part 1

1 Automata x328Assassin6,729
2Automata x230Assassin9,534
Automata x136Assassin15,337

Part 2

1Homunculus x326Lancer12,132
2Homunculus x228Lancer17,128

Part 3

1Automata x330Assassin6,886
2Homunculus x328Lancer11,227
3Automata x134Assassin17,361
Homunculus x130Lancer12,955

Part 4

1Helter Skelter x142Saber 119,151

Part 5

1Jack the Ripper x147Assassin 159,637

3. Demonic Fog Ridicule

Part 1

1Automata x231Assassin6,486
Homunculus x129Lancer12,205
2Homunculus x131Lancer12,205
Automata x129Assassin6,486
3Homunculus x132Lancer12,205
Automata x131Assassin10,135
Automata x136Assassin13,906
Guest ServantsMordred (Lv 57, NP3)

Part 2

1Homunculus x331Lancer7,327
2Homunculus x233Lancer17,128
Guest ServantsMordred (Lv 57, NP3)

Part 3

1Automata x231Assassin9,108
Automata x131Assassin11,877
2Automata x231Assassin12,791
Automata x131Assassin10,929
3Killing Doll x135Assassin22,951
Guest ServantsMordred (Lv 57, NP3)

Part 4

1Homunculus x331Lancer 6,032
2Homunculus x238Lancer 10,090
Mephistopheles x159Caster 175,443
Guest ServantsMordred (Lv 57, NP3)

4. One Book, One Pen

Part 1

1Homunculus x131Lancer12,955
Automata x233Assassin6,542
2Automata x235Assassin6,486
Homunculus x131Lancer12,205
3Automata x235Assassin8,608
Killing Doll x132Assassin15,624
Guest ServantsMordred (Lv 57, NP3)

Part 2

1Mordred x150Saber 149,982

Part 3

1Homunculus x240Lancer9,129
Homunculus x140Lancer13,746
2Homunculus x240Lancer10,651
Homunculus x140Lancer14,509
Guest ServantsMordred (Lv 57, NP3)

Part 4

1Nursery Rhyme (Magic Book) x150Caster 121,960
Guest ServantsMordred (Lv 57, NP3)

Part 5

1Nursery Rhyme x150Caster 201,960
Guest ServantsMordred (Lv 57, NP3)

5. Helter Skelter

Part 1

1Homunculus x334Lancer4,956
2Homunculus x335Lancer5,947
3Homunculus x235Lancer5,947
Proto Homunculus x135Lancer12,955
Guest ServantsMordred (Lv 57, NP3)

Part 2

1Homunculus x235Lancer5,947
Killing Doll x132Assassin10,273
2Killing Doll x132Assassin10,273
Killing Doll x136Assassin16,215
Guest ServantsMordred (Lv 57, NP3)

Part 3

1Automata x230Assassin7,329
Killing Doll x133Assassin11,124
2Killing Doll x233Assassin11,124
Killing Doll x135Assassin12,361
Guest ServantsMordred (Lv 57, NP3)

Part 4

1Automata x332Assassin 6,499
2Killing Doll x230Assassin 10,130
Jack the Ripper x141Assassin 98,862
3Proto Homunculus x236Lancer 12,719
Paracelsus Von Hohenheim x160Caster 120,855
Guest ServantsMordred (Lv 57, NP3)

6. London Night

Part 1

1Homunculus x332Lancer 5,675
2Homunculus x232Lancer 5,675
Proto Homunculus x133Lancer 10,634
3Proto Homunculus x133Lancer 13,088
Proto Homunculus x135Lancer 13,347
Guest ServantsMordred (Lv 57, NP3)

Part 2

1Homunculus x133Lancer8,564
Proto Homunculus x131Lancer12,564
Homunculus x132Lancer8,564
2Proto Homunculus x133Lancer23,526
Homunculus x134Lancer15,273
Proto Homunculus x131Lancer12,564
Guest ServantsMordred (Lv 57, NP3)

Part 3

1Proto Homunculus x133Lancer8,564
Homunculus x131Lancer12,564
Proto Homunculus x132Lancer8,564
2Proto Homunculus x133Lancer22,349
Proto Homunculus x231Lancer12,564
Guest ServantsMordred (Lv 57, NP3)

Part 4

1Homunculus x235Lancer6,221
Proto Homunculus x135Lancer9,354
2Helter Skelter x140Saber62,823
Paracelsus Von Hohenheim x167Caster185,990
Guest ServantsMordred (Lv 57, NP3)

7. Another Mystery

Part 1

1Automata x234Assassin7,286
2Helter Skelter x135Saber34,822
Guest ServantsMordred (Lv 57, NP3)

Part 2

1Automata x234Assassin 7,686
2Automata x235Assassin 7,686
Helter Skelter x134Saber 14,574
3Helter Skelter x135Saber 24,779
Guest ServantsMordred (Lv 57, NP3)

Part 3

1Automata x234Assassin7,686
Helter Skelter x138Saber11,659
2Helter Skelter x238Saber 11,659
3Killing Doll x133Assassin10,648
Helter Skelter x135Saber24,878
Guest ServantsMordred (Lv 57, NP3)

8. Imminent Death of the Mage's Association

Part 1

1Helter Skelter x341Saber 10,216
2Helter Skelter x241Saber 10,216
Helter Skelter x130Saber 13,014
3Helter Skelter x130Saber 15,617
Helter Skelter x138Saber 20,823
Guest ServantsMordred (Lv 57, NP3)
Hans Christian Andersen (Lv 55, NP4)


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Comments (updated every hour)

Okay, question... The game loads to title menu just fine... but the moment I access the @@@ing ga...
How do i unlock the final singularity of the prison tower
It's nothing special. All the Craft Essences listed are ones that are unavailable, and obvio...
> Go to the latest comments

Servants Ranking

Craft Essence Ranking


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