
Nero Fest [8/2 updated]

Nero Fest, Qualifier, Main Match, Finals, and Tips and Strategies.
[US] Fate Grand Order
Fate/Accel Zero Order Event Guides & Tips
update 02/08/2017

What is Nero Festival?

Nero Festival is an event where players fight through various servants in the Qualifier, Main Match and Finals to collect medals and exchange them for materials and event limited CE from the event shop.

Event PeriodJul 25 - Aug 3
QualifierJul 25 - 28
Main MatchJul 28 - 31
FinalsJul 31 - Aug 3

First quests completion rewards

Forbidden PageForbidden Page x5
Infinity GearInfinity Gear x5
Ghost LanternGhost Lantern x5
Talon of ChaosTalon of Chaos x5
Main MatchNovice:
Meteoric HorseshoeMeteoric Horseshoe x5
Heart of a Foreign GodHeart of a Foreign God x3
Phoenix PlumePhoenix Plume x5
Octuplet Twin CrystalsOctuplet Twin Crystals x5
Homunculus BabyHomunculus Baby x5
Dragon's Reverse ScaleDragon's Reverse Scale x3
Snake JewelSnake Jewel x5
Yggdrasil SeedYggdrasil Seed x10
Grand FinalsCrystallized LoreCrystallized Lore

Event limited shop

Bronze Medal RewardStockMedals
Fire of Wisdom205
Meteoric HorseshoeMeteoric Horseshoe1010
Infinity GearEternal Gear1010
Silver MedalUnlimited10
Silver Medal RewardStockMedals
Blaze of Wisdom205
Forbidden PageForbidden Page1010
Nightless Rose1200
Gold MedalUnlimited10
Gold Medal RewardStockMedals
Homunculus BabyHomunculus Baby1010
Crystallized LoreCrystallized Lore3200
Nightless Rose2200
100,000 QPUnlimited10

Which rewards should I get?

In order to purchase everything in the event shop you’ll need a total of 300 Bronze medals, 400 Silver medals and 1100 Gold medals. For those who aren’t hardcore enough to just sit down and spam the events for hours trying to clear all the stuffs in the shop, here are some of the items that I would suggest you to pick up:

Bronze medals

  • Eternal Gear x 10 = 100
  • Meteoric Horseshoe x 10 = 100

    Total= 200 Bronze medals

Silver medals

  • Forbidden Page x 10 = 100

    Total = 100 Silver medals

Gold medals

  • Homunculus Baby x 10 = 100
  • Crystallized Lore x 3 = 600

    Total = 700 gold medals

As you can see, you should purchase all the materials needed for ascension and skill level up in the shop as they are currently not available to be farmed in game yet especially for the Crystallized Lore which can ONLY be obtained from event shops and nowhere else. Purchasing EXP cards from the shop is a waste of medals as you can farm them easily from the daily quests. For the event exclusive CE, I wouldn’t really recommend you to purchase more than one as the effect is not really that useful. Besides that, the event CE also has a random chance of dropping from all the stages so if you are lucky you might just get one in the process of farming for the medals. Remember to clear all the stages at least once for the quest rewards and after that you can either choose to farm the 20AP or the 30AP ones depending on what materials that you need.

Qualifier guide

PeriodJuly 25 - 28, 2017

Expert: Enemy Info

1Chimera x35Berserker10,935
2White Chimera x120Berserker58,320
3Lu BuLu Bu30Rider42,736
Zhuge Liang Zhuge Liang30Assassin59,384
Jing KeJing Ke30Berserker42,688
  • Battle 1:
    Even though it is expert stage, the enemies appeared in the first battle are only Level 5. The enemies are Berserker class but don’t deal that much damage so we would like to take this opportunity to charge up our NP gauge first if you don’t any Kaleidoscope equipped.

  • Battle 2:
    In the second battle we will face a single enemy only but it has more than 50k HP and hits quite hard. Therefore, try to kill it within five turns without using any NP as you would like to save it for the last stage and aim for overkill if possible for the additional critical stars.

  • Battle 3:
    If you have already fully charged your NP gauge at this point, use it without hesitation on the first turn before Waver starts to use his damage reduction buff. Aim for Lu Bu first and leave Waver for the last as he doesn’t participate in battle himself. If you have any evasion or invincibility skills save them for second turn as usually on the first turn the enemies would just apply buffs to themselves without attacking.

Expert: Team Suggestion

Frontline: Medea + St. George + Zhuge Liang (support)
Backline: Mash + any two servants

The main attacker in this team setup is Medea as she can counter both Jing Ke and Lu Bu due to class affinity while being able to remove all the buffs provided by Waver with her NP. It is recommended to equip her with CE that increases her Arts cards performance for higher damage output. The role of the other servants is to protect Medea and never let her dies or else this strategy would fail unless you have a backup attacker.

  • Battle 1:
    Use Medea’s first skill immediately when entering the battle to gain NP charge as the cooldown should be done when you reach the final stage afterwards. Try to build up your NP gauge as much as possible for all the servants in this stage.

  • Battle 2:
    Use Waver’s second skill here (and third skill also if reached third ascension) and heal whenever possible for Medea and St. George so that everyone could survive until the final stage.

  • Battle 3:
    Activate St. George’s taunt skill here along with both Waver’s and Medea’s NP. The targeting order should be Jing Ke > Lu Bu > Waver as Jing Ke only needs to charge up three bars on her gauge to use her NP. When both Jing Ke and Lu Bu were taken out then you can slowly take your time to deal with Waver as his NP doesn’t deal damage except for the Curse effect.

Advanced: Enemy Info

1Wyvern x38Rider5,443
2Wyvern x212Rider6,749
Wyvern x112Rider9,331
3Marie AntoinetteMarie30Rider46,262
Mata HariMata Hari30Assassin31,156
Elisabeth BathoryElisabeth30Lancer44,474
  • Battle 1:
    If the servants that you brought along are Level 40 or less except your support, it is the best time to build up your NP gauge as much as possible by chaining Arts cards and aim to overkill your targets.
  • Battle 2:
    Same strategy as above except that we aim to take out the strongest enemy first to reduce the damage taken.

  • Battle 3:
    The enemies’ classes are Lancer, Assassin and Rider. If you have a high level Saber class servant then this battle should be easy. We should target them in the order of Lancer > Rider > Assassin as Lancer deals the most damage and has an AOE NP. Assassin’s skill can be quite annoying but due to her low attack we can leave her for the last.

Intermediate: Enemy Info

1French Soldier x36Saber1,060
2French Soldier x310Saber1,484
3Jeanne d’ArcJeanne d’Arc20Ruler21,703
Gilles De Rais (Saber)Gilles De Rais20Saber34,077

Novice: Enemy Info

1Skeleton x32Archer980
2Skeleton x34Archer1,372
3Hans Christian AndersenAndersen10Caster12,827
William ShakespeareShakespeare10Caster12,212
Wolfgang Amadeus MozartMozart10Caster11,475

Main Match

PeriodJuly 28 - 31, 2017

Expert: Enemy Info

1Golem x210Berserker9,355
Stone Golem x110Berserker6,549
2Iron Golem x212Berserker10,490
Crystal Golem x112Berserker21,384
Darius IIIDarius III40Berserker45,109
  • Battle 1:

    Build up your NP as much as possible as you want NP to be ready at the last stage.

  • Battle 2:

    Same procedure as the first stage but you may consider taking out the lower HP enemies first to reduce the damage taken.

  • Battle 3:

    The enemies in the last stage are two Berserkers and one Lancer. You would want to use your NPs immediately in this stage to take out both the Berserkers first and slowly deal with the Lancer later. The best servants to be used are those that have an AOE NP such as Artoria and Gilgamesh or just get yourself an Arash which can be easily obtained from the friend points draw to increase the efficiency of farming the stages.

Advanced: Enemy Info

1Amazoness x38Archer4,444
2Amazoness Leader x212Archer7,977
Amazoness Queen x112Archer11,642
3Tamamo CatTamamo Cat30Berserker42,930
Saint MarthaSaint Martha30Rider48,959

Intermediate: Enemy Info

1Zombie x36Lancer1,927
2Zombie x310Lancer2,784
3Jeanne d’Arc (Alter)Jeanne (Alter)20Ruler24,192
Gilles de RaisGilles de Rais20Caster30,860

Novice: Enemy Info

1Werewolf x22Lancer1,046
Werejaguar x12Lancer1,928
2Goblin x34Lancer2,652
3Musahibou BenkeiMusahibou Benkei10Lancer13,832
Sasaki KojirouSasaki Kojirou10Assassin10,015


PeriodJuly 31 - August 3, 2017

Expert: Enemy Info

1Dragon x130Lancer87,791
2Gaius Julius CaesarCaesar40Saber49,393
  • Battle 1:

    The first enemy that we face is a dragon with more than 80k HP. Even though it is a stage for us to charge up our NP gauge before the final stage, try not to drag the battle too long as the damage would stacked up pretty quickly and a Berserker class servant can be easily taken out if you are not careful. If you have any defense increase buff use it directly on the first turn to reduce the damage taken overtime.

  • Battle 2:

    DO NOT waste your evasion skills on the first turn as the enemies will first apply buffs on themselves. Aim for the Berserker first as he can deal up to 4k damage per hit due to class affinity. Use everything that you have and try to take him out within two turns as he is the main source of damage in the enemy’s party coupled with the attack buff from Saber.

Expert: Team Suggestion

A team without any 4* or 5*

Lv. 30
Mash Kyrielight

CE: Parted Sea
Lv. 35
Hans Christian Andersen

CE: Parted Sea
Altria Pendragon
CE: Kaleidoscope
Any servants that you have.

Equip both Mashu and Andersen with the Parted Sea CE that gives evasion for a turn which is also a CE that is relatively easy to be obtained from Friend Points draw. Make sure that the Altria that you choose as support is at least Level 60 and has the Kaleidoscope CE equipped.

  • Battle 1:

    Use both Andersen’s NP charge and critical damage increase skill on the first turn and save Mashu’s defense increase skill for the second turn as the Parted Sea CE would help to tank the damage taken for the first turn. Hit the dragon as much as you can with Altria as she is the only one who can deal enough damage. If you didn’t manage to kill it before it uses its NP, use Mashu’s invincibility skill or the evasion skill from Mystic Code on Altria to make sure she survives. The dragon should be quite dead if you managed to pull off two Brave Chains with Altria.

  • Battle 2:

    Use all your buffs including Mystic Code together with Altria’s NP. Both the Berserker and Lancer should be dead or just left with a sliver of health. Takes them out first if you haven’t and leave Saber for the last as his damage isn’t that high.


Other useful servants

Judging from the enemy’s classes of Lancer, Berserker and Saber, Saber class servants should work well against them.

Advanced: Enemy Info

1Lamia x38Caster5,819
2Naga x212Caster10,055
Naga Raja x112Caster13,406
  • Battle 1:

    Three Lamias with 5.8k aren’t that much of a problem and can be killed with just one Buster card. If you want to charge up your NP gauge then use as many Arts cards as possible in this stage.

  • Battle 2:

    The HP of the enemies doubles but their attacks aren’t that high to cause you any problem. Continue building up your NP gauge if you haven’t and aim for overkill for the additional critical stars before the boss stage.

  • Battle 3:

    If you have male servants within the party, the skills of Stheno and Euryale can be quite troublesome as they can charm you for a turn. Therefore, we aim to take out those two first with our NP on the first turn and if you have a servant that has a powerful AOE NP such as Tamamo Cat or Artoria this battle should be an easy one.

Intermediate (Enemy Info)

1Dragon Tooth Warrior x36Saber4,029
2Dragon Tooth Warrior x310Saber6,332
3Altria PendragonAltria20Saber29,841
Altria Pendragon (Alter)Altria (Alter)20Saber25,172


1Ghost x32Assassin975
2Terror Ghost x24Assassin2,933
Ancient Ghost x14Assassin4,332
Cursed Arm HassanCursed Arm Hassan10Assassin12,627

Grand Finals

Enemy Info

1Roman Coalition Soldiger x340Lancer4,263
2Cu Chulainn (Prototype)Cu Chulainn (Prototype)50Lancer38,489
Cu ChulainnCu Chulainn (Caster)50Caster36,606
Nero ClaudiusNero Claudius50Saber74,028

Servants to be aware of: Carmilla, Gilgamesh and Nero Claudius
As the hardest battle that you are going to face in the Nero Festival, the Grand Final’s last stage comprises of seven servants from different classes, each with an average of 35k HP while Nero herself as the final boss has 74k HP. Therefore, it is quite difficult in choosing the right party members to be brought into this battle where Jeanne d’Arc might seem like a suitable choice due to her high HP and resistance to all the main classes except Berserker. Gilgamesh is also another suitable candidate for this battle as he can counter the Saber class Nero.

The initial enemies that would appear are Lancer, Caster and Assassin, while the others would appear in the sequence of Rider > Archer > Berserker > Saber. Aim for Assassin first as she is able to drain your NP while charging up her own gauge and by only needing three bars to full gauge, she can be quite a dangerous foe if left unattended. After she is taken out, we turn our attention to Caster as he has an AOE NP which can do quite a bit of damage to our party. Lancer and Rider shouldn’t be much of a problem but by the time Gilgamesh comes out, targets him immediately and takes him out as soon as possible since he only needs three turns to charge up his NP gauge. If you failed to do so, make sure you apply evasion or invincibility on your main attackers to make sure they survived his NP onslaught. After that, Berserker won’t be causing much trouble as he can be easily taken out with only 35k HP and weak to every servant classes. Finally, we would meet Nero herself which has a skill that can recover her HP and increases her defense which is very annoying especially if the battle drag on for a long time. If you have saved up your NP until this point then don’t need to hesitate and use them directly before her defense increase starts to stack up.

Team Suggestion

A team without any 4* or 5*

Lv. 35
Saint George
St. George

CE: Parted Sea
Lv. 35

CE: Parted Sea
CE: Kaleidoscope
Musahibou Benkei
Mashu Kyrielight

This strategy revolves around protecting Heracles as much as possible with all your taunters and give Heracles the chance to wreak havoc through the enemies. A high level Heracles should be used, preferably Level 70 as the self guts skill might come in handy during emergency and equipped with the Kaleidoscope CE as we would like to have his NP ready at the final stage. The level of the other servants should be around Level 35 and the CE equipped doesn’t really matter that much but I would recommend Parted Sea as it is one of the easily obtained defensive CE.

  • Battle 1:

    If you have the Parted Sea CE equipped to your frontline members, try to take out two of the enemies on the first turn and leave one for Heracles to build up his NP gauge. This is because we would like to save at least one of the evasion to be used together with our taunt at the final stage.

  • Battle 2:

    Don’t need to use your taunt skills first as the enemies would be buffing themselves up on the first turn. If your Heracles’s NP is ready, use it directly on Carmilla as otherwise she would drain your NP gauge instead. After taking out Carmilla, we should now focus on Cu Caster as he has an AOE NP. Remember to use your taunt skill but only one of them at a time as we would like to avoid taking damage on our Heracles. Rider and Lancer shouldn’t be posing much of a problem but when Gilgamesh comes out be sure to focus on taking him out first as an AOE NP that only needs three turns to fully charge is no joke. If you didn’t manage to do so, make sure to use your evasion skill on Heracles so that he would survive. By the time Nero comes out, your NP should be ready again so use it immediately to take out a huge chunk of her HP before she starts to buff up her defense


Should I try to roll for Nero? She looks cute but not sure about she performs in battle.
Nero Fest event page test

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Okay, question... The game loads to title menu just fine... but the moment I access the @@@ing ga...
How do i unlock the final singularity of the prison tower
It's nothing special. All the Craft Essences listed are ones that are unavailable, and obvio...
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