
Altria Pendragon (Alter)

FGO Altria Pendragon (Alter), Pros and Cons, Rating, Strategies and Tips, Stats, Skills, Wiki, and Noble Phantasm.
[US] Fate Grand Order
Fate/Accel Zero Order Event Guides & Tips
update 02/09/2017


Altria Pendragon (Alter)


Arturia isn’t by any means amazing--- she has a standard kit that’s made for clearing waves, and it does what it’s supposed to do. The reason that she’s still considered good however, is that for her cost she performs decently well. Her NP hits within the levels of ST damage, and ranks as the 2nd strongest AoE NP among the Sabers. Her NP damage at NP1 is only a few three digits away from the 1st spot as well, which makes her somewhat valuable at her rarity.

Alter doesn’t really rely on an upgrade to perform well. Although, one could say that her value is a little higher in NA than in JP, as there is still a lack of strong and easily obtainable AoE Sabers within the gacha pool.


  • Has the 2nd most NP damage among AoE Sabers
  • Fairly strong Buster chains even without crits, because of her stats and buffs
  • Receives a 10% refund upon every use of her NP


  • Lacks any sort of survival capabilities
  • Does not have any means to counter gimmicks
  • 3rd skill is rather unreliable if one wants to make her crit
  • Can be considered outdated in terms of the game’s design
  • Charisma skill doesn’t scale well

Strategies & Tips

As an AoE Servant who lacks any sort of means to counter hard fights, Arturia is usually relegated to clearing waves. Most of the game’s hard content now is cleared by either by strong units who hit very hard, or by those who can effectively counter the numerous gimmicks with every new quest.

Alter, in all honesty, is the same as Arturia. Her kit is standard and considerably bland. Her NP hits fairly hard but outside of clearing waves her kit doesn’t really do much overall. Even with the consideration of the Buster meta, there isn’t really much to Alter at all.

If one would be blunt, the only reason Alter is thought of to be good is because she’s compared to her SSR counterpart. Arturia does almost exactly the same thing, with only one difference that prevents most from seeing Alter in the same light they do the former.

And that is, the fact that Alter is an SR.

By being an SR, she acts as a cheaper alternative that does the same job, which grants her some sort of value in a game where raising SSRs can be quite costly. The fact is, although she isn’t terrible er se, most people are disappointed with Arturia’s performance ingame, especially with the cost that she comes with. As such, someone like Alter becomes good in most people’s eyes, as by being able to do the same thing, she comes to act as the cheaper and therefore better, alternative.

Still, it also means that Alter isn’t exactly bad either--- the element of cost and efficiency is a big part in every player’s personal playstyle and pool, and is still a factor in Servant quality. As such, it gives Alter value in being able to deliver what is expected of from an SR.

Noble Phantasm

Excalibur Morgan hits for a very good amount of damage at 29k to all enemies. It is also a Buster NP, which allows Alter to use NPBB chains for damage. It’s a nice feature, as it allows her to get more out of her huge Buster up skill. It also refunds her gauge for 10%, which honestly rather off-putting as it’s not exactly a number that’s very relevant when considering how quick she would be able to charge her gauge. What’s really worth considering from Alter’s NP however, is the fact that her NP multiplier at NP1 is set at 450%, as opposed to the average 300% multiplier. This means that her NP multiplier is actually just 50% lower than the usual NP5 multiplier for AoE Buster NPs, which is 500%. This is what allows her to deal so much damage even at NP1.

Best Servants to work with

Zhuge Liang
Zhuge Liang
Waver’s ATK up and NP stack up for a high-scaling ATK up, which allows Alter to hit harder on her bursts. His DEF up can also be useful in keeping her alive, and his ability to instantly charge an ally’s NP gauge can allow her to use her NP more often.
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare’s Buster buff is rather useful for Alter NP damage. Not only that, but his 3rd skill can also be useful in charging her gauge directly after using her NP, making her use it in more frequent intervals.
Merlin is able to charge Alter NP gauge directly over time, which can be useful in letting her use her NP more often. He also provides both an ATK and Buster buff, which can stack with her own buffs for damage, and he also provides both healing sustenance and a hard defensive skill, countering her lack of survival. Lastly, Alter’s Instinct skill can be of better use with Merlin’s capability to generate stars, as it stacks stars overall to an amount worth noting.

Best CEs

Increase NP damage

NP damage up CEs scale quickly with her damage, multiplying with both her available buffs immediately.

Increase star absorption

Alter’s Buster up buffs up her Buster cards considerably. Her instinct skill would be more of use if one increases her star absorb, allowing her to deal even more damage through crits.

Max Bond Level CE

Memories of the Dragon
Memories of the Dragon
When equipped to Altria (Alter, Saber) only, increase your NP Strength by 30% & 30% chance to decrease target's DEF by 5% (3 turns) each time you attack



Hidden Stats

NP Charge (ATK)0.86%
NP Charge (DEF)3%
Star Weight99
Star Rate9.9%
Death Resist19.2%
AlignmentLawful, Good
TraitsAltria, Dragon, Evil, Humanoid, Saberface, Servant, Weak to Enuma Elish

Noble Phantasm

Excalibur Morgan (Rank A++)

Deal damage to all enemies
[Overcharge] Increase your NP Gauge

LvlDamage +ChargeNP +


Upgrade Priority

Mana Burst A / Cooldown: 7-5
Increase in Buster Performance (1 turn)

A fairly effective skill for boosting Alter’s own NP damage and Buster cards. It scales for a great 50% at max, which can make her NP Buster Brave chains hit very well. Although, it’s 1 turn duration and lack of any other effects also means that aside from being straightforward, it’s very vanilla--- it doesn’t offer that many options to her gameplay.

Instinct B / Cooldown: 7-5
Receive critical stars

This skill is perhaps one of the most controversial skills ingame. Instantly gaining stars is no way a bad bonus to have, but it’s not really anything great when you take Alter’s entire kit into consideration. She doesn’t generate stars particularly well nor does she absorb them, which means that a meager amount of 14 stars won’t really go anywhere when it comes to making her crit. It’s lack of use is a waste of a skill slot, and most would probably forego leveling the skill as it doesn’t offer much.

Charisma E / Cooldown: 7-5
Increase all allies’ ATK (3 turns)

Charisma is pretty standard but it’s still a good bonus that can be useful in fights… or it usually is. With Alter’s low Charisma rank, it barely really does anything, as it maxes out for a meager 12% increase in ATK. It’s somewhat disappointing considering that it takes an entire skill slot and costs for quite an amount, being an SR’s skill.

Skill Priority: 1/2/3

Mana Burst A / Cooldown: 7-5
Increase in Buster Performance (1 turn)

A fairly effective skill for boosting Alter’s own NP damage and Buster cards. It scales for a great 50% at max, which can make her NP Buster Brave chains hit very well. Although, it’s 1 turn duration and lack of any other effects also means that aside from being straightforward, it’s very vanilla--- it doesn’t offer that many options to her gameplay.

Instinct B / Cooldown: 7-5
Receive critical stars

This skill is perhaps one of the most controversial skills ingame. Instantly gaining stars is no way a bad bonus to have, but it’s not really anything great when you take Alter’s entire kit into consideration. She doesn’t generate stars particularly well nor does she absorb them, which means that a meager amount of 14 stars won’t really go anywhere when it comes to making her crit. It’s lack of use is a waste of a skill slot, and most would probably forego leveling the skill as it doesn’t offer much.

Charisma E / Cooldown: 7-5
Increase all allies’ ATK (3 turns)

Charisma is pretty standard but it’s still a good bonus that can be useful in fights… or it usually is. With Alter’s low Charisma rank, it barely really does anything, as it maxes out for a meager 12% increase in ATK. It’s somewhat disappointing considering that it takes an entire skill slot and costs for quite an amount, being an SR’s skill.

Skill Priority: 1/2/3

Mana Burst

Available from the start
Increase your Buster Card effectiveness (1 turn)

LvlBuster +Cooldown


Unlocks after 1st Ascension
Gain C. Stars for yourself

LvlStars +Cooldown


Unlocks after 3rd Ascension
Increase ATK for all allies (3 turns)

LvlAttack +Cooldown

Class Skills

Magic Resistance BMagic Resistance B
Increase your Debuff Resist by 17.5%

Command Cards


A QAABB deck is great on Alter. Having 2 Arts cards allows her to charge her gauge decently enough, and having 2 Busters allow her to do heavy damage on Buster chains with her NP. Although her NP gain and star generation isn’t amazing, the deck fits with her overall use.

NP Gain

B / Q710

Bond Level

LvlExp RequiredTotal Exp

Skill Enhancement Materials

LvlQP CostMaterials
1 → 2100,000Shining Gem of Swordsx4 (Shining Gem of Swords)
2 → 3200,000Shining Gem of Swordsx10 (Shining Gem of Swords)
3 → 4600,000Magic Gem of Swordsx4 (Magic Gem of Swords)
4 → 5800,000Magic Gem of Swordsx10 (Magic Gem of Swords)
Talon of Chaosx3 (Talon of Chaos)
5 → 62,000,000Secret Gem of Swordsx4 (Secret Gem of Swords)
Talon of Chaosx5 (Talon of Chaos)
6 → 72,500,000Secret Gem of Swordsx10 (Secret Gem of Swords)
Dragon Fangx10 (Dragon Fang)
7 → 85,000,000Dragon Fangx20 (Dragon Fang)
Shadow Servantx10 (Shadow Servant)
8 → 96,000,000Shadow Servantx30 (Shadow Servant)
Heart of a Foreign Godx8 (Heart of a Foreign God)
9 → 1010,000,000Crystallized Lore​x1 (Crystallized Lore​)

Ascension Materials

AscensionQP CostMaterials
1st50,000Saber Piecex4 (Saber Piece)
2nd150,000Saber Piecex10 (Saber Piece)
Dragon Fangx15 (Dragon Fang)
3rd500,000Saber Monumentx4 (Saber Monument)
Talon of Chaosx5 (Talon of Chaos)
Dragons Reverse Scalex2 (Dragons Reverse Scale)
4th1,500,000Saber Monumentx10 (Saber Monument)
Dragons Reverse Scalex4 (Dragons Reverse Scale)
Heart of a Foreign Godx4 (Heart of a Foreign God)

Saint Graph (Spoiler)



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