Players are expected to collect Altrium points () by completing event quests. Collecting Altrium will allow players to collect prizes of power-up materials, stamina recovery items, premium currency and even craft essences. You can increase altrium collected by using certain saber servants.
Event Servants
Certain servants will provide a bonus to the amount of atrium collected by a player per battle. But in addition, these servants are also subject to bonus damage they can inflict in each battle. These are generally Saber class servants except for the assassin class Mysterious Heroine X.
Event Craft Essences
Event craft essences will also be in effect. Purely Bloom and Star of Altria will increase damage done by your servants. Craft essences: Land of Shadows, Bride Training and Trueshot will increase event trade material drops.
The battles of these events get increasingly hard, and there's also a challenge quest awaiting at the end so we provide some strategies for the latter stages. Thankfully, since this is a re-run, you now have access to more powerful servants made available after the original run.
Therefore, you can share your team and experience on how to get through the hard parts of the re-run. This will definitely help many players to get through the hard parts or find a way to efficiently farm the goods.
Remember that Fate/Grand Order is made with the mindset of 'You can complete with any Servants', so if you can finish with low tier Servants (for example, Fionn mac Cumhaill or Stheno), don't be afraid to share as well!
To send your input and team, go to each quest's guide page (linked on each sections), and follow the instructions at the bottom of each pages. Your contribution will be listed there as well.
Farming Spots
Highest-recommended level Free Quest the player can handle, daily one-time Space Invader Quests