
Edmond Dantes Event Door 7 Arrow 2 Guide

Fate Grand Order, Edmond Dantes Event, Door 7, Arrow 2, Guide
[US] Fate Grand Order
Servant Rank Up Quests !
update 02/03/2018

Edmond Dantes Event Door 7 Arrow 2 Guide

Battle Outline

1/1Edmond Dantes x190Avenger 511,434


Battle 1

  • Edmond Dantes is an Avenger, he's resistant against everything but Berserkers and Moon Cancers (a class not yet available when the event is run), and deals extra damage against everything but Moon Cancers. Combined with his high level, he will deal a lot of damage.
  • Dantes' NP is an AoE NP.

Strategies & Recommended Servants

  • Friend Support is available here, use them well to cover what you lack!
  • Have Berserkers to be your main damage dealer, and protect them well! Dantes' high level may mean that he could one-shot the Berserker in a single blow.
  • Use your tanks to protect your team from his normal attacks!
  • Zhuge Liang's Damage Cut is once again indispensable.
  • Mash/Shielder is outside of everything Avengers cover, so you will probably need her as a Support
  • David can come in handy in case Dantes prepares to use his NP
  • Another thing Dantes cannot avoid is that he is a male. Male-efficient Servants like Euryale will come in handy as well.
  • This is a time a 1-Star Servant like Mata Hari can come into play: She can heavily charm Dantes or debuff him. While he can remove his debuffs, it will still take up one action.

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  • Your In-Game Name
  • Your team's NP Levels, the Mystic Code used, the Servant that ends up unused (not deployed), and Command Spells that you used
  • Your chosen Support Servant with information on Level, NP Level, Skill Level, and Craft Essence
  • A summarized note on how you utilize the team to finish this (optional)
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  • A screenshot of the team setup
  • If the screenshot above is during Party Setup, then provide a screenshot of your chosen Support Servant's status screen
  • A screenshot of your team's first/last Victory screen (when displaying the Bond Points gained or the items dropped) as a proof

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Required Info/Screenshot

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  • Your In-Game Name
  • A screenshot of your team setup used to complete the quest
  • A screenshot of your first team victory screen (where you gain Bond Points) as a proof. Alternatively, the last victory screen (the dropped items screen), in any case you ended up raising a bond point and having to skip that first screen.
  • A summarized note on how you utilize the team to finish the corresponding quest (optional)

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Shared Team


Master (IGN)ゆめ
Mystic CodeMage's Association Uniform
Command SpellUnused
  • Waver is being used as a tank with Euryale as the charmer.
  • Make sure Heracles survives Dantes' NP, he can use it to refill his own NP


Master (IGN)Wrath
Mystic CodeChaldea
Command SpellUnused
ServantClsCELevel (Servant, NP, Skill 1/2/3)
Altria Pendragon
Altria Pendragon
84, 1, 5/2/1
Zhuge Liang
Zhuge Liang
CasterFormal Craft
Formal Craft
73, 4, 2/4/5

80, 4, 6/4/4

80, 2, 4/5/4

ArcherDragon's Meridian
Dragon's Meridian
19, 5, 2/-/-
Mash Kyrielight
Mash Kyrielight

ShielderHeroic Spirit Portrait: Altria Pendragon
Heroic Spirit Portrait: Altria Pendragon
43, 1, 4/4/1
  • Build up your NP so next turn Waver can buff Heracles to 200% (optional, but results bigger damage)
  • Apply all damage buffs and unleash all NP available.
  • Then keep hitting Dantes, prioritize on Heracles Brave Chain
  • There is a bit of luck involved that Dantes kept targetting Altria or Waver, but he'll be down pretty quickly if you keep Heracles alive.


Master (IGN)ChrisX
Mystic CodeChaldea
Command SpellUnused
ServantClsCELevel (Servant, NP, Skill 1/2/3)
Mata Hari
Mata Hari
AssassinThe Imaginary Element
The Imaginary Element
53, 5, 1/6/-
Sakata Kintoki
Sakata Kintoki

BerserkerThe Black Grail
The Black Grail
90, 1, 5/4/4
Mash Kyrielight
Mash Kyrielight
ShielderTriple Bounded Field
Triple Bounded Field
60, 1, 3/3/3
BerserkerSummer Precognition
Summer Precognition
60, 1, 6/2/1
Oda Nobunaga
Oda Nobunaga
ArcherA Fragment of 2030
A Fragment of 2030
70, 3, 2/2/2
LancerA Fragment of 2030
A Fragment of 2030
97, 1, 10/5/5
  • Either I'm very lucky or this battle ended up being more manageable than the first one.
  • Immediately start by using Mata Hari's 2nd skill to not just charm Dantes, but also dropping his defense.
  • Quickly afterwards, build up both Mata Hari's and Kintoki's NP. Once Dantes wakes up, tank with Mash
  • If Dantes manages to use his Ignore Invincible skill... remember that this one also bypasses Evade, so be careful! However, if you activated Mash's 1st skill (DEF Up), it'll probably take him more than a turn to kill Mash. Kintoki or other Berserkers, on the other hand...
  • Once Mata Hari's NP is up, use it ASAP, and hope it not only charms Dantes, it also drops his ATK and DEF. He may be able to cleanse it, but every small moments of that debuff counts!
  • Once Kintoki built up his NP, buff him with everything you got (Mystic Code and his own ATK Buff). Combined with Mata Hari's debuff, his own NP will deal tremendous damage, and in my case, also landed a lucky stun.
  • Continue on building NP and trying to at least keep Kintoki alive. With luck he can even generate enough NP and launch another NP
  • Eventually your front liners will die one by one. Use Heracles' multiple survivability options (his CE, Evade and Guts)
    to have him stand as long as possible while he beats down Dantes until he dies
  • With Nobunaga and Brynhild having Fragments CE, it's a matter of Critical hitting. If Nobunaga have 3 cards ready, activate her third skill and do Brave Chain on Dantes. If it's Brynhild, then have her use her third skill on herself.
  • By this time, Dantes should have his NP ready. Cast Evade on Brynhild, and once the dust clears, Dantes should have low enough HP that Brynhild can defeat him alone.


Master (IGN)Illya
Mystic CodeAnniversary Blonde
Command SpellUnused
ServantClsCELevel (Servant, NP, Skill 1/2/3)
Jeanne d’Arc
Jeanne d’Arc
96, 1, 8/3/8
Zhuge Liang
Zhuge Liang

CasterHeroic Spirit Portrait: Altria Pendragon
Heroic Spirit Portrait: Altria Pendragon
90, 1, 10/10/10
80, 1, 5/4/2
BerserkerTeacher and I
Teacher and I
80, 1, 1/2/-
Okita Souji
Okita Souji
SaberImaginary Around
Imaginary Around
90, 1, 4/3/4
  • Have Heracles boost his NP to 100% and then use his NP enhanced with the Mystic Code's Buster Up skill.
  • Jeanne's NP should help Heracles survive, and it was by luck that Dantes did not use pierce invincibility before NP
  • Heracles should be able to whip out two NP before dying
  • Continue to pound on Dantes, using all Servants available, Okita finishes due to quick NP gain helped by Waver and able to dodge Dantes' NP with her own evade.

salt quartz

Master (IGN)salt quartz
Mystic CodeChaldea
Command SpellUnused
ServantClsCELevel (Servant, NP, Skill 1/2/3)
Mash Kyrielight
Mash Kyrielight
ShielderGrand New Year
Grand New Year
44, 1, 3/6/2
ArcherFormal Craft
Formal Craft
40, 5, 4/1/-
Zhuge Liang
Zhuge Liang

CasterA Fragment of 2030
A Fragment of 2030
90, 2, 5/10/10
Saint George
Saint George
RiderHoly Shroud of Magdalene
Holy Shroud of Magdalene
65, 5, 6/1/6
ArcherThe Imaginary Element
The Imaginary Element
40, 2, 1/6/-
Cu Chulainn
Cu Chulainn
LancerHoly Shroud of Magdalene
Holy Shroud of Magdalene
70, 4, 5/10/3
  • Keep Euryale's NP topped up and spam her NP. Use the Attack Up Mystic Code too, this battle should be long enough until it will be re-usable later.
  • Heal Euryale, Mash dies and gets replaced by Georgios
  • After spamming NP until Georgios finished tanking, Euryale can die and get replaced by David. Remember to use him to block Dantes' NP.
  • When Georgios dies, Cu Chulainn enters, and David probably has finished his role.
  • When Cu Chulainn is the one left behind, show Dantes why Cu's the best survivalist Servant: Keep track on Dantes' Ignore Invincibility skill, use Mystic Code's Evasion when your skill was on cooldown, use the Heal Mystic Code if your Guts activated. Dantes will go down eventually.


Master (IGN)Mystheia
Mystic CodeChaldea Combat Uniform
Command Spell3 (Revive)
  • This is probably the toughest battle I've done so far. But with the right composition, we can all just pull through. In this strategy, my key player is David. His party Heal+Evade is incredibly indispensible as I lack strong Berserkers to kill Dantes.
  • My main goal with my party and CE composition is to get as many single target NP from David and Shiki in the early part of the fight, replace them with a strong DPS after they die and then get killed off to revive with full NP nd repeat step one to end the match.
  • You will get hit extremely hard so turn on Zhuge Liang's defense buff whenever possible. I got unlucky and did not get enough Arts cards to get either David or Shiki's NP up on my first turn and needless to say, my party took a pounding.
  • I got what I needed on the second turn so as planned, I turned on Zhuge Liang's and David's attack buffs, Mystic Code's attack buff, and Shiki's Art's buff. The turn took a significant chunk off of Dantes so I continued the same technique--gaining as much NP as possible with my team's mostly Arts draws.
  • Remember that Dantes has Golden Rule wich will earn him an extra charge, so if you haven't been able to use David's NP at the beginning, use it when Dantes is about to get his 5th charge to give him a skill seal and stall his NP.
  • Once his NP is up, turn on David's party evade and just keep doing the same things. Ideally, at max level, you have 6 turns until the party evade is on. As I don't have that luxury, I was pretty much expecting to part with my Command Seals later on.
  • When one of your members die and d'Eon gets on the field, immediately turn the taunt on to absorb as much damage. keep buying time so you could get in as much NP damage from your damagers. Once David falls, expect the entire party to crumble.
  • Gilgamesh's NP will do a ton of damage but as he is squishy, don't expect him to stick around for long. Hans should extend his life for a while but due to Dantes's massive HP and unfortunate crits, my last team members fell with 120k HP remaining on the enemy.
  • I revived the team using Command Spells as per my original plan. Same as before, I used Shiki and David's NP as much as possible before Dantes could kill them and use David's party evade to nullify Dantes's NP. If you could maintain this strategy, you should be able to clear the match without anymore problems.


Master (IGN)Mystheia
Mystic CodeChaldea Combat Uniform
Command SpellUnused
ServantClsCELevel (Servant, NP, Skill 1/2/3)
Vlad III
Vlad III
BerserkerHalloween Princess
Halloween Princess
80, 1, 6/6/4
ArcherNoisy Obsession
Noisy Obsession
70, 5, 6/6/-
Tamamo no Mae
Tamamo no Mae
CasterThe Imaginary Element
The Imaginary Element
90, 2, 6/8/10
Vlad III
Vlad III

Support, Unused
BerserkerHalloween Princess
Halloween Princess
90, 1, 4/4/4
Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette
RiderElixir of Love
Elixir of Love
79, 2, 6/10/6

BerserkerStar of Altria
Star of Altria
80, 3, 6/10/6
  • A combination of Vampirism/Curse will prevent Dantes from charging his NP.
  • Meanwhile, Siren Song and Eye of Euryale and Mystic Code Gandr (stun) will allow time for Tamamo to heal and help in charging NP.
  • Swap Tamamo with Marie when the former has very low health and Dantes has full NP. Charm Dantes, and Euryale and Vlad's Vampirism will come off from cooldown. With this, you can kill Dantes without him even unleashing his NP.
  • Roughly 75% of the damage done to Dantes came from Vlad and Euryale’s NP, as Arts chains are prioritized over Brave chains. No servants defeated.

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Own Vlad is lvl 60, skills are 1/1/-
And thanks for the hard work editor
<< Anonymous
KrisX_212 Reply
You're welcome.

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