
Edmond Dantes Event Door 6 Guide

Fate Grand Order, Edmond Dantes Event, Door 6, Guide
[US] Fate Grand Order
How to unlock/max Irisviel
update 02/03/2018

Edmond Dantes Event Door 6 Guide

Battle Outline

1/3Wyvern Evil x233Caster 10,257
Wyvern Evil x136Caster 11,180
2/3Wyvern Origin x153Rider 203,191
3/3Amakusa Shirou x185Ruler 143,517
Jeanne x188Ruler 191,916


Battle 1

  • The Wyverns only barely missed being '4-digits HP enemies', but you may still want to be careful due to being wyverns.

Battle 2

  • The Wyvern Origin here has Invincibility skill while possessing a lot of HP. It's more recommended to instant-kill this enemy.

Battle 3

  • This pits you against two Rulers, one with offensive NP, one with defensive NP.

Strategies & Recommended Servants

  • A team of one Rider, one Berserker and Ryougi Shiki (Assassin) is recommended for starters to quickly take care of the first battle (and instant-kill the enemy at the second battle). Keep the Berserker alive so they can remain for the crucial final battle against the Rulers
  • As Amakusa has an offensive NP, prioritize him first.
  • Despite being NPC Support, Dantes will be efficient here because of his effectiveness and resistance against Ruler

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  • Your team's NP Levels, the Mystic Code used, the Servant that ends up unused (not deployed), and Command Spells that you used
  • A summarized note on how you utilize the team to finish this (optional)
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  • A screenshot of your team's first/last Victory screen (when displaying the Bond Points gained or the items dropped) as a proof

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  • Your In-Game Name
  • A screenshot of your team setup used to complete the quest
  • A screenshot of your first team victory screen (where you gain Bond Points) as a proof. Alternatively, the last victory screen (the dropped items screen), in any case you ended up raising a bond point and having to skip that first screen.
  • A summarized note on how you utilize the team to finish the corresponding quest (optional)

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Shared Team


Master (IGN)ゆめ
Mystic CodeMage's Association Uniform
Command SpellUnused
  • Do not panic when you see who's the first frontliner. Despite Boudica's tier problems, this strategy is completely doable.
  • Use the first wave to build up NP, but especially Shiki's. Boudica's role is to tank until Shiki fills up her NP, and after that it's fine if she is removed.
  • Shiki's main job comes in the 2nd wave, she's to instant-kill the high-HP Wyvern. After that it's fine if she is removed
  • For the third wave, focus on Amakusa first since his NP actually deals damage in addition of removing buffs. Once he's eliminated, you're free to deal with Jeanne
  • Dantes will provide good damage for the final wave since he's strong against Ruler, while the other backliners serve as extra firepower that go through Ruler's damage resistance.


Master (IGN)DHYohko
Mystic CodeMage's Association Uniform
Command SpellUnused
ServantClsCELevel (Servant, NP, Skill 1/2/3)
Altria Pendragon (Santa Alter)
Altria Pendragon (Santa Alter)
RiderThe Imaginary Element
The Imaginary Element
70, 1/1/4
Ryougi Shiki (Assassin)
Ryougi Shiki (Assassin)
70, 7/1/1
70, 1/2/-
SaberDragon's Meridian
Dragon's Meridian
83, 4/4/5
Edmond Dantes
Edmond Dantes

AvengerN/A90, 4, 6/6/2
BerserkerDragon's Meridian
Dragon's Meridian
70, 4/4/4
  • The frontline should start with a Rider and Shiki. If you don't have the latter, you can substitute with Jing Ke, but beware that she has lower Instant-Killing capabilities.
  • Dantes should be put on second last to come right after Shirou's NP.
  • Heracles once again serve as an anchor.
  • Mordred is there due to self NP Charging skill, but you can substitute her with other AOE-NP Servants
  • Use the first wave for filling up NP, but if Shiki gets unlucky and dies, you may as well restart so you can clear the second wave much quicker and enter the third wave with at least 2 or 3 frontliners
  • In third wave, Shirou will more likely to unleash his NP once which will remove all buffs and deal big damage to all, so it's important to reach him before Dantes or your anchor arrives.
  • Shirou has an NP Charge skill, so he'll less likely to use his NP in the same turn as Jeanne's
  • After Shirou is finished, target Jeanne before she gets lucky crits. Remember that Dantes has a skill that ignores invinsible for 1 turn and he can steal NP Charge.

Master (IGN)ChrisX
Mystic CodeChaldea
Command SpellUnused
ServantClsCELevel (Servant, NP, Skill 1/2/3)
Mash Kyrielight
Mash Kyrielight
ShielderTriple Bounded Field
Triple Bounded Field
60, 1, 3/3/3
Ryougi Shiki (Assassin)
Ryougi Shiki (Assassin)
AssassinDivine Banquet
Divine Banquet
50, 5, 4/1/-
Saint George
Saint George
RiderTriple Bounded Field
Triple Bounded Field
35, 1, 2/2/-
BerserkerLimited/Zero Over
Limited/Zero Over
60, 1, 6/2/1
LancerTeacher and I
Teacher and I
97, 1, 10/5/5
Edmond Dantes
Edmond Dantes

AvengerN/A90, 4, 6/6/2
  • The core strategy on this is the survival of the frontliners until the third wave. For that, two tanks and Shiki are absolutely vital.
  • Start the first wave for gathering NP, Georgios is effective for tanking the Caster Wyverns. One NP for everyone is enough.
  • In the second wave, keep protecting Shiki as she spams her NP until she procs and Instant-Kill on the Dragon.
  • If any of your characters, even the tanks die, might as well withdraw. This is important. Use Mystic Code spells to facilitate this.
  • In the third wave, you do as you can by focusing on Amakusa until he used his NP, and your frontliners will be wiped out because of it. It is inevitable, so don't fret.
  • The backline, on the other hand, serve as the anchor, a Berserker (Heracles), someone with enough firepower yet able to withstand Rulers' attack (Brynhild) and Dantes, who is effective against Rulers.
  • With this, keep focusing on Amakusa first, followed by Jeanne. Do this quick before they end up killing you because you basically have little to no defense
  • Be careful whenever Jeanne uses her Divine Judgment skill. Dantes may be resistant to her damages, but he'll still be immobilized because of that skill.


Master (IGN)Wrath
Mystic CodeChaldea
Command SpellUnused
ServantClsCELevel (Servant, NP, Skill 1/2/3)
Anne Bonny & Mary Read
Anne Bonny & Mary Read
80, 5, 1/2/4
51, 3, 4/4/-
Ryougi Shiki (Assassin)
Ryougi Shiki (Assassin)
50, 5, 8/1/-
Edmond Dantes
Edmond Dantes

AvengerN/A90, 4, 6/6/2
LancerThe Imaginary Element
The Imaginary Element
80, 2, 4/5/4
Mash Kyrielight
Mash Kyrielight

43, 1, 4/4/1
  • Use the first wave for building NP, and don't be afraid to use Shiki's evade. The enemies are more likely to focus fire on Shiki.
  • In the 2nd wave, instant-kill the wyvern with Shiki, thereby her purpose is over.
  • In the third wave, use targetting NP's towards Amakusa, this can be done before he unleashes his own NP.
  • By this, both Heracles and Shiki have died, so Dantes and Scathach arrive. Continue to build up Dantes' NP while using Scathach's NP to delay Amakusa's NP.
  • Once Amakusa is dead, use Dantes to mainly strike on Jeanne and winning the battle.

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I used Francis Drake, Shiki, and Okita as my first line.
Then, Lancelot, Edmund Dantes, and Eurayle as backup.

My L80 Shiki failed to insta 🔥 the 2nd battle Wyvern despite having L6 Mystic Eyes skill.

Drake used her NP off the bat in the 3rd battle with Shiki dying that same turn.
Lancelot stepped in to use the Crit Stars from Drake's NP. Lancelot then killed Amakusa Shirou with a brave chain.
Drake then died.
Lancelot died next.
Was then just a matter to beat on Jeanne with Edmund Dantes, Eurayle (who was meant for Shirou), and Okita until Dantes killed Jeanne with his NP.
<< Anonymous(Raiel)
KrisX_212 Reply
Thank you! If you still kept your screenshot and other requirements as stated in the page, you can send it to the given email and it'll be on the page, not the comment section!
Easiest door of my life.
Just buffstack on him on the weak mobs (I used lv 30 Caesar and lv 80 Elizabeth) when he got 100% NP then swap it out for Assassin Shiki and insta-kill the Wyvern Origin with her skill.
Fool around damaging Amakusa Shirou a bit until he uses his NP and wipes your team.
Get Dantes back in and do a Quick Chain with him.
Didn't screen the end but this screen is quite straightforward.
Jeanne didn't survive the following turn, let alone surviving two to hit me (and I still had 3 evades on Cu)
If you keep Dantes alive is really easy 🔥 jeanne and shirou. I used Mashu and d'Eon for this (I don't post my team cuz i forgot to take a screenshot xD)

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