
Xuanzang Event: Journey to the West Re-Run [JP 2018]

Fate Grand Order Xuanzang event, Journey to The West, re-run, pickup summon, farming, guide and tips.
[JP] Fate Grand Order
Fate/Apocrypha Event: Inheritance of Glory Guide
update 20/04/2018
Journey to the West Event Rerun pages
Journey to the West Event Re-Run
Re-Run Guide
Re-run Challenge Guide
Re-Run Challenge Guide

Journey to The West Re-run

Duration (JST)Apr 18 - 29 2018

Event General Information

Event DurationApril 18th - 29th 2018
RequirementClear Fuyuki
Event shopSpirit RootWarhorse's Immature HornPhoenix FeatherOctuplet CrystalsStimulus GunpowderCrystallized LoreMana Prisms★4:Crystallized Heroic Spirit: Fou-kun of the Meteor★4:Crystallized Heroic Spirit: Fou-kun of the SolarisDragon's Reverse ScaleHeart of the Foreign GodMeteor HorseshoeBlack TallowPrimordial LanugoEternal GearForbidden PageGolden PillsLamp of Demon SealingEvil BoneHero's ProofGem of ArcherGem of LancerGem of CasterGem of BerserkerMagic Gem of ArcherMagic Gem of LancerMagic Gem of CasterMagic Gem of BerserkerSecret Gem of ArcherSecret Gem of LancerSecret Gem of CasterSecret Gem of Berserker★3:Crystallized Heroic Spirit: Fou-kun of the Star★3:Crystallized Heroic Spirit: Fou-kun of the Sun★3 Experience Card (All)★4 Experience Card (All)Divine PeachPrincess of Wind and CloudsHeroic Entry: Three Great Heroes
Event CE
(Drop +)
Go West!! True Samadhi Flames Tricolor Combination Heroic Entry: Three Great Heroes Princess of Wind and Clouds Nine-Headed Bull Demon King

There are two parts to this event - the first focuses on unlocking new quests using Deeds Talisman (Deeds Talisman, while the second features a new farmed material, the Orbs of Deeds (Orbs of Deeds), which are used to unlock certain quests. Big Lotus Flower (Big Lotus Flower), Golden Pills (Golden Pills), Divine Peaches (Divine Peach, and Steamed Meat Buns (Steamed Meat Bun) represent the gold (both flower and pill), silver, and bronze-rarity event materials, respectively.

Each part of the event takes one week, meaning that the farming process can be rather demanding (due to the amount of event CEs mandatory for farming). In light of this, it is recommended for players to set priority targets to aim for.

Event Items

ItemUsed forWhere to get
Deeds Talisman (Deeds Talisman)Unlock Main QuestsClear Training Journey Free Quests or Bonus Quests
Orbs of Deeds (Orbs of Deeds)Unlock (Normal) Challenge QuestsClear Enlightenment Journey Free Quests or Bonus Quests
Steamed Meat Bun (Steamed Meat Bun) Exchange in Event ShopClear Training Journey Free Quests
Divine Peach (Divine Peach)Exchange in Event ShopClear Training Journey Free Quests
Golden Pills (Golden Pills)Exchange in Event ShopClear Training Journey Free Quests
Big Lotus Flower (Big Lotus Flower)Exchange in Event ShopClear Enlightenment Journey Free Quests

Event Servants

Using these Servants will boost the drop rates of a specific event item.

Golden PillsXuanzang Zhuge Liang
Divine PeachNezha Li Shuwen (Lancer) Assassin of Shinjuku Assassin of Agartha
Steamed Meat BunJing Ke David Lu Bu
Big Lotus FlowerMordred Arjuna Karna Nightingale Altria Pendragon (Alter) Stheno Euryale Medusa

Farming Guide

This event’s gacha CEs provide a +1 bonus to Golden Pills (GO WEST!!), Divine Peaches (True Samadhi Fire), and Steamed Meat Buns (All Three Forms), while the free CEs provide a +1 bonus to the other materials.

Notable in this event is the fact that aside from event CEs, the rate-up Servants also provide a +1 bonus to material drops; as such, it is recommended to bring them along (at least in the backline). In part 2, additional Servants will provide a +1 bonus to Big Lotus Flower drops as well.

It is essential that the player plays each and every one of the daily bonus quests, as these give you Deeds Talisman (for part 1) and Orb of Deeds (for part 2), especially the latter, which grants the player access to Challenge Quests, which drop a generous amount of Big Lotus Flowers.

The best quest for farming each material are as follows:

Steamed Meat Bun20AP Free Quest (Training Journey - Novice)
Divine Peach25AP Free Quest (Training Journey - Intermediate)
Golden Pills40AP Free Quest (Training Journey - Expert)
Deeds Talisman40 AP Free Quest (Training Journey - Flaming Mountain)
Big Lotus FlowerChallenge Quests (require Orbs of Deeds)
Orbs of Deeds40 AP Free Quest (Enlightenment Journey - Tathagata)

Event Shop

To clear the event shop, the following amounts of each material need to be gathered: 4,600 Golden Pills, 3,300 Divine Peach, 3,900 Steamed Meat Bun, 6,000 Big Lotus Flower


The following can be considered to be ‘the most important materials’ in the shop - meaning it is highly recommended to get them first before any other materials. Recommended for minimalist players.

Event Craft Essences

There are six CEs exclusive in this event, all affecting the event item drops. Three of them can be obtained via random drops or Event Shops, while three of them can only be obtained from the pickup banner.

CE from the Event

Craft EssenceBonus
Heroic Entry: Three Great Heroes
Heroic Entry: Three Great Heroes
Deeds Talisman + 1 (LB: +2)
Princess of Wind and Clouds
Princess of Wind and Clouds
Orbs of Deeds + 20% (LB: +50%)
Nine-Headed Bull Demon King
Nine-Headed Bull Demon King
Big Lotus Flower + 1 (LB: +2)

CE from the Pickup Banner

Craft EssenceBonus
Go West!!
Go West!!
Golden beads + 1 (LB: +2)
True Samadhi Flames
True Samadhi Flames
Divine Peach + 1 (LB: +2)
Tricolor Combination
Tricolor Combination
Steamed Meat Bun + 1 (LB: +2)

Farming Guide (Free Quest)

Training Journey


In the re-run, you can gather Orbs of Deeds during the Training Journey in places where you can earn Deeds Talisman

AP: 20
Event Item Drop:
Steamed Meat Bun Deeds Talisman Orbs of Deeds Heroic Entry: Three Great Heroes

Item Drop:
Evil Bone Gem of Saber
Saber Archer Assassin
AP: 25
Event Item Drop:
Divine Peach Deeds Talisman Orbs of Deeds Heroic Entry: Three Great Heroes

Item Drop:
Seed of Yggdrasil Gem of Saber Gem of Lancer
Saber Lancer Assassin
AP: 30
Event Item Drop:
Divine Peach Steamed Meat Bun Golden beads Deeds Talisman Orbs of Deeds Heroic Entry: Three Great Heroes

Item Drop:
Ghost Lantern Gem of Assassin Rider Piece Assassin Piece
Assassin Rider Archer
AP: 40
Event Item Drop:
Golden beads Deeds Talisman Orbs of Deeds Heroic Entry: Three Great Heroes

Item Drop:
Meteor Horseshoe Magic Gem of Archer Gem of Rider Gem of Assassin
Archer Assassin Rider Saber
Flaming Mountains
AP: 40
Event Item Drop:
Deeds Talisman Orbs of Deeds Heroic Entry: Three Great Heroes

Item Drop:
Dragon Fang Dragon's Reverse Scale Gem of Rider Magic Gem of Rider Secret Gem of Rider Berserker Monument
Rider Berserker
AP: Deeds Talisman x100
Event Item Drop:
Steamed Meat Bun Divine Peach Golden beads Heroic Entry: Three Great Heroes

Item Drop:
Heart of the Foreign God Secret Gem of Caster Archer Monument Lancer Monument
Caster Lancer Archer

Enlightenment Journey


AP: 40
Event Item Drop:
Orbs of Deeds Big Lotus Flower Princess of Wind and Clouds

Item Drop:
Forbidden Page Bloodstone Tear Magic Gem of Caster Secret Gem of Caster Caster Monument
Caster Archer
AP: 40
Event Item Drop:
Orbs of Deeds Big Lotus Flower Princess of Wind and Clouds

Item Drop:
Phoenix Feather Seed of Yggdrasil Gem of Archer Gem of Lancer Magic Gem of Archer Magic Gem of Lancer Secret Gem of Archer
Saber Archer Lancer
AP: 40
Event Item Drop:
Orbs of Deeds Princess of Wind and Clouds

Item Drop:
Serpent Jewel Magic Gem of Caster Secret Gem of Caster Lancer Monument
Caster Lancer

Challenge Quest (Normal)

Human Realm
Orbs of Deeds: 100
Event Item Drop:
Big Lotus FlowerPrincess of Wind and CloudsNine-Headed Bull Demon King

Item Drop:
Void's Dust Caster Monument
Asura Realm
Orbs of Deeds: 110
Event Item Drop:
Big Lotus FlowerPrincess of Wind and CloudsNine-Headed Bull Demon King

Item Drop:
Seed of Yggdrasil Black Tallow
Animal Realm
Orbs of Deeds: 120
Event Item Drop:
Big Lotus FlowerPrincess of Wind and CloudsNine-Headed Bull Demon King

Item Drop:
Meteor Horseshoe Warhorse's Immature Horn
Hungry Ghost Realm
Orbs of Deeds: 130
Event Item Drop:
Big Lotus FlowerPrincess of Wind and CloudsNine-Headed Bull Demon King

Item Drop:
Claw of Chaos Berserker Monument
Nakara Realm
Orbs of Deeds: 140
Event Item Drop:
Big Lotus FlowerPrincess of Wind and CloudsNine-Headed Bull Demon King

Item Drop:
Dragon Fang Dragon's Reverse Scale Gem of Rider Magic Gem of Rider Secret Gem of Rider Lancer Monument
Deva Realm
Orbs of Deeds: 150
Event Item Drop:
Big Lotus FlowerPrincess of Wind and CloudsNine-Headed Bull Demon King

Item Drop:

Challenge Quest (Re-Run)

This Challenge Quest is only available during the re-run and after fulfilling a certain condition.

RequirementClear Journey to the West Re-run main event and Salomon Singularity
RewardCrystallized Lore

Journey to the West Re-Run Pickup Banner

 HP:12,965 ATK:11,658 Card:QAAAB/B(NP)
[NP] Deal damage to a single enemy. [Overcharge] Decrease Critical Rate for a single enemy (1 turn)
[S1] Increase your NP Gauge & Increase your NP Strength (1 turn)
[S2] Unlocks after 1st Ascension & Apply Target Focus (1 turn) & Incoming Damaged Cut (1 turn) for your self
[S3] Increase NP Gain Rate for all allies (3 turns) & Increase C. Star Drop Rate for all allies (3 turns) & Apply Debuff Immunity for all allies (1 turn)
 Nata (Nezha)
 HP:13,393 ATK:10,2589,535 Card:QQABB/B(NP)
[NP] [Overcharge] Increase your NP Strength; Deal damage to all enemies; Inflict Burn to them (-1000 HP each turn, 5 turns)
[S1] Increase your Quick & Buster Card effectiveness (3 turns) & Increase your Critical Strength (3 turns)
[S2] Apply Guts for yourself (1 time, 5 turns) & Increase your NP Gauge
[S3] Increase C. Star Gather Rate (1 turn) & Remove all your Debuffs
 Assassin of Shinjuku (Yan Qing)
 HP:11,637 ATK:8,661 Card:QQQAB/Q(NP)
[NP] Deals Damage To A Single Target [Overcharge]Inflict Critical Damage Down To The Target (3 turns).
[S1] Increases own critical star absorption for 1 turn & Increases own NP generation rate for 1 turn.
[S2] Increases own critical star generation rate for 3 turns.
[S3] Decreases own Star Absorption by 100% for 1 turn & Gain critical stars.
 Assassin of Agartha (Wu Zeitan)
 HP:10,942 ATK:8,981 Card:QQABB/Q(NP)
[NP] Deal damage to a single enemy & Inflict Poison to the target (3 turns, 1000 Damage) [Overcharge] Increase your Critical Strength (3 turns)
[S1] Decrease DEF for a single enemy (3 turns)
[S2] Restore your HP & 60% Chance of increasing your ATK (3 turns) & 60% Chance of increasing your DEF (3 turns)
[S3] Increase ATK for all allies (3 turns) & Further increases Quick Card effectiveness for all allies (except herself, 3 turns)
 Jing Ke
 HP:8,293 ATK:8,9857,207 Card:QQQAB/Q(NP)
[NP] Deals damage to one enemy and deals 1000 damage to self [Overcharge]Chance to cause instant death and gain critical stars.
[S1] Increases own critical star absorption by 200% for 3 turns & Gain critical stars.
[S2] Increases own critical star generation rate for 3 turns.
[S3] Increases own Quick card performance for 1 turn & Increases own critical damage for 1 turn.
 HP:8,643 ATK:7,736 Card:QAAAB/B(NP)
[NP] Apply Ignore-Evade for yourself (1 turn) & Deal damage to a single enemy[Overcharge] Chance to inflict Skill-Seal to a single enemy (1 turn)
[S1] Increase your DEF by 50% (1 turn) & Restore your HP
[S2] Remove Mental Debuffs for all allies & Apply Evade for all allies (1 time) & Restore HP for all allies
[S3] Increase ATK for all allies (3 turns)
 Lu Bu
 HP:8,302 ATK:10,4778,119 Card:QABBB/B(NP)
[NP] Deal DEF-ignoring damage to a single enemy [Overcharge] Chance to immobilize the target
[S1] Increase your ATK (3 turns) & Increase your Mental Debuff Resist (3 turns)
[S2] Increase your DEF (3 turns) & Decrease ATK Buff Success Rate for yourself by 50% (3 turns)
[S3] Increase your NP Strength (1 turn) & Increase your C. Star Gather Rate by 3000% (1 turn) & Decrease DEF by 20% for all allies excluding yourself (1 turn)
 HP:14,680 ATK:11,723 Card:QAABB/B(NP)
[NP] Deals damage to all enemies.
[Overcharge]Deals extra damage against Artoria enemies & Charges own NP gauge.
[S1] Increases own Buster card performance for 1 turn.
[S2] Gain critical stars.
[S3] Increases own defense for 1 turn & Removes own debuffs & Charges own NP gauge.
 HP:13,230 ATK:12,342 Card:QAAAB/B(NP)
[NP] Deal damage to all enemies & 30% Chance to apply Death to all enemies & Extra 50% chance to apply Death to [Divine] enemies. [Overcharge] Decrease DEF for all enemies (3 turns)
[S1] Increase your C. Star Drop Rate (3 turns)
[S2] Increase your C. Star Drop Rate (3 turns)
Apply Debuff Immune to yourself (5 turns)
[S3] Incrase your NP Gauge by 25% & Regenerate your HP each turn (5 turns) & Gain C. Stars each turn for yourself (5 turns)
 HP:13,632 ATK:12,34211,976 Card:QQABB/B(NP)
[NP] Deals damage to all enemies. [Overcharge]Deals extra damage against Divine enemies.
[S1] Reduces one enemy's debuff resistance for 1 turn. & Prevents them from using their NP for 1 turn (this also prevents the enemy from gaining NP charge).
[S2] Increases own Buster card performance for 1 turn & Increases own NP damage for 1 turn.
[S3] Charges own NP gauge by 25% & Increases own critical star generation rate for 3 turns & Increases own critical damage for 3 turns.
 HP:15,221 ATK:12,64110,184 Card:QAABB/A(NP)
[NP] Remove Debuff for all allies. Restore HP for all allies. [Overcharge] Decrease NP Strength for all enemies (1 turn)
[S1] Restore HP for a single ally
[S2] Increase your ATK and DEF against [Humanoid] enemies (3 turns)
[S3] Increase Buster Card effectiveness for a single ally (3 turns)
 Altria Pendragon (Alter Lancer)
 HP:11,761 ATK:11,7819,968 Card:QQABB/B(NP)
[NP] Deals heavy DEF-ignoring damage to all enemies & Medium chance to inflict NP Seal (3 turns). [Overcharge] Inflict Curse (5 turns) for all enemies.
[S1] Increases own Buster card performance for 1 turn.
[S2] Increase own Crit. Star Gather Rate for 1 turn & Increase own Crit. Damage for 1 turn & Gain critical stars.
[S3] Increases party's attack for 3 turns.
 HP:11,518 ATK:6,2808,985 Card:QQQAB/B(NP)
[NP] Decreases one enemy's defense by 20% for 3 turns. Chance cause instant death if it's a Male enemy. [Overcharge]Chance to charm if it's a Male enemy.
[S1] Medium chance to decrease specific enemy's Charge by 1 & Increase your own NP Gauge
[S2] Chance to Charm a single Male enemy (1 turn)
[S3] Increase ATK for all allies (3 turns) & Increase ATK for allies with Divine traits (3 turns)
 HP:9,506 ATK:7,032 Card:QQAAB/A(NP)
[NP] Deals 1200% damage to one enemy & Deals extra damage against Male enemies & Reduces their attack by 20% for 3 turns. [Overcharge]If the enemy is Male, charms him for 1 turn.
[S1] Chance to reduce one enemy's NP gauge by 1 & Charges own NP gauge.
[S2] Chance to charm one Male enemy for 1 turn.
[S3] Increases own arts card performance for 3 turns.
 HP:8,937 ATK:7,200 Card:QQAAB/Q(NP)
[NP] Deals damage to all enemies. [Overcharge]Increases party's critical star generation rate for 3 turns.
[S1] Chance to stun one enemy for 1 turn.
[S2] Increases own attack for 2 turns.
[S3] Charges own NP gauge by 20% & Increases own NP generation rate for 3 turns.


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Comments (updated every hour)

Okay, question... The game loads to title menu just fine... but the moment I access the @@@ing ga...
How do i unlock the final singularity of the prison tower
It's nothing special. All the Craft Essences listed are ones that are unavailable, and obvio...
> Go to the latest comments

Servants Ranking

Craft Essence Ranking


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