Skill Up & Ascension MaterialThe fang of a dragon. Dragon Tooth Warriors are created using these fangs.
America: Deming (Free Quest) is the best AP-saving location to farm Dragon Fang. You'll get around 6x Dragon Fang by spending 170 AP.
Babylonia: Eridu (Free Quest) is the best time-saving location to farm Dragon Fang. You'll get around 6x Dragon Fang by spending 210 AP.
Fuyuki: Mobile Coordinate No.0 (Free Quest) is the fastest location you unlock to farm Dragon Fang.
Here is a list of servants that need Dragon Fang to perform Ascension and Skill Up.
Rashoumon event (Ibaraki Douji event)
Murder at the Kogetsukan
Inheritance of Glory
5 Star Servants Tier List: Best Servants [5/9 updated!]
Fate Grand Order Farming Items
Arthur Pendragon(Prototype)
Black Holy Grail (The Black Grail)