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Medusa 3
it might say 1000% but its a quick type therefore its effective percentage is 800%. and her arts hitting 3 times doesn't mean in any way watsoever it does more dmg than her buster. buster has a 1.5x multiplier arts 1x quick 0.8x np % does not include this multiplier yet so a np 1 buster aoe that says 300% is actually 450% for example.
Jura & jula is same. Japan hiragana & katakana don't have 'L' So they used R to spell L
Could someone update this. Emiya is at least a 6/10 on jp. With his Hawkeye skill he can hit for 100k buster Crit on sabers and berserker
UPDATE: HA! Made it. cleaned out most of the materials in rewards trade shop. Except for some Daruma trades and the class idols. Got San[Ta] and all her power-ups too haha.
Lancer 4
Lancer arthuria is AOE Np dealer
I think they inverted all of them. Hp and Atk columns are backwards
I got the bucket but can't use them, can i keep them even after the events?
Wtf is doing gintoki here why has he kin hair ??? Lol
Lol K-scope on Waver.
Cons: NP damage is terrible if not using on poisoned enemy. Skill priority should be: 2->3->1.
Passive star gen team can be formed even without 2030 all you need is 2 passive star generators (Hans, Liz Caster, Mephistopheles etc ) and a servant with high star weight. I actually found passive star gen team are easier to form compare to Quick team at least in NA due to the lack of cheap Quick star generator.
This is so late as to be near useless, but the intermediate tea set collection does in fact drop the lowest tier item.
They add more items to the events as they become drops in the singularities. Gears and pages will drop around the time London is out. The horseshoes, we might have to wait until Camelot before they are fully available.
It worked very well! Thanks :)
62 missions in and still only on Chapter 12 :|
As far as I know, this should be a bug. All event CEs should boost event drops.
Leonidas has 3 turns taunt on his NP, 1 turn taunt on his 1st skill. This CE could also be put on Ruler class servants as they take 50% from most enemies.
Halloween Petit Devil advantages against Dive to Blue is that it increases NP gain not just Art effectiveness and yet you suggesting: "Best used on offensive Servants owning at least two Arts cards". There are servant with godd hit count on Quick, Extra or event Buster card.
Where is Mozart and Shakespear?
This CE is most effective on servants with powerful self-heal ability like Enkidu or anyone tanky with multiple heal abilities like Marie, Spartacus, Medb.
Saber 7
1. ? Shiki part shows 2 arts cards & Arts np already. 2. Thank you for pointing it out, fixed :)
No. its a costume change you unlock with prisms.
I am Hype about mordred too, she will be coming out in the London singularity!!!
I use whatever Servant is best against the class for that free quest. As for the restricted quest, it really depends on the type of servants you can bring based on the condition
Thanks! This page has been fixed!
Black Grail is a pretty great CE on Anne&Mary, it raises NP damage and slowly lowering their hp.
I find Jeanne works wonder with art up CE like Formalcraft since she has 3 art cards. If you are not using her in art team then Prisma Cosmos is a great alternative.
he is extremely versatile, fits into many teams, plus he is easily obtainable for most. seeing him there in almost every "best servants to work with" doesn't come as much of a surprise
Oh wow why did they make heracles so OP lol.
Thanks for the guide. I was wondering where i could get saber statues.
So the servant is not the girl, it's the book lol.
Fixed! :)
I wish this event was also in global. Wanted that free Ishtar T.T
Thank you for the servant analysis!
Really cool character, especially the glowing eyes.
Goddess mode is difficult as hell. barely finished it with my last character alive at less than 100hp.
Why is this one a lancer, but the other one literally holding a lance is a berserker. lol
Ymir appoves of this post. Though raikou is still an anatomical nightmare.
Useful tip, you also get the bonus when you select a support char with CE that gives moon dumplings.
Sure no problem :) Be sure to visit our site for the latest news and guide on FGO
Her NP animation is very short. Will be good for farming...?
Should I try to roll for Nero? She looks cute but not sure about she performs in battle.
Okay I'll do a research as well, and let you know once I'm done.



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Okay, question... The game loads to title menu just fine... but the moment I access the @@@ing ga...
How do i unlock the final singularity of the prison tower
It's nothing special. All the Craft Essences listed are ones that are unavailable, and obvio...
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