
Servant Focus: Mash Kyrielight

[US] Fate Grand Order
How to unlock/max Irisviel
update 07/10/2017


Welcome to Servant Focus, where we look at the many different team builds and sets you can run on a servant. This is a slightly more in depth look at how a servant can perform in a team setting as compared to how good it is by itself. This guide will go more into the numbers and playmaking required at higher levels.


Mash’s main role in the team is a tank, serving to improve the team’s survivability while also soaking up hits from opponents while staying alive. Her three star form is moderately sufficient at this role, but her true value shows once she’s hit 4 stars.


Her first skill is incredibly helpful with its defense boost with a relatively short cooldown. When she ascends to her 4 star form, it not only boosts the team’s defense, it also gives a damage cut for a single hit, negating 2000 HP worth of damage. This is extremely valuable, potentially saving 2000 HP every 5 turns, a very solid amount.

Her second skill is usually used with her third although it can be used to protect another servant when required. It also features a small boost to the NP gauge of the target.

Mash’s last skill is a basic taunt with a NPgen boost at a whopping 400% at max level. With a NP gen boosting CE like divine banquet or a few lucky crits on her arts card, she can fill her NP gauge from 0-200% with no problems.

Noble Phantasm

Her NP, Lord Camelot reduces damage taken by the team by 1000. This effect lasts 3 turns, and when comboed with her first skill, expect to see a lot of zeroes when taking damage. This deal is sweetened by a small attack boost of 30% to all other teammates. On her overcharge you also get a minimum 30% boost to defense. All these work together to keep her team alive while also boosting damage output against enemies

Lancelot (Saber)

The first great teammate to pair her with would be our very own papa, Lancelot. Lancelot meshes well with Mash, having an Arts heavy deck, allowing him to Arts chain with relative ease alongside her. Her defensive buffs are great alongside a unit like him who has no survivability skills. This allows him to stay on the field and focus on the job at hand.

Lord Camelot also provides a further boost to Lancelot’s attack, a boost which he does not inherently have due to his kit’s focus on crits.

His star weight buff will also overcome the problem of Mash’s star weight which can get rather annoying at times. With Lancelot critting and constantly getting his NP up, he can stack defense drops on enemies while Mash stacks defense buffs. Masters do have to take note however that solely relying on Lancelot to generate stars is risky. Having a CE like Piece of Year 2030 will be incredibly helpful.

Arts Support: Medea Lily (Caster)

An Arts support will also serve extremely well alongside Mash. While Mash is able to defend, there are times where buffs will be down and your team will need healing. This is where Medea Lily comes in. She is one of the best team healers in the game, featuring a massive team heal on her NP. It also removes all team debuffs and increases resistance against them. This ensures the team is not plagued with matters like burns, poison or curses which may interfere with your survivability.

In a pinch, her increased healing buff can be used. As usual, the two have Arts heavy decks, allowing them to Arts chain relatively easily, leading to non-stop NP spam. With the two fielded together, it will be a rare sight to lose a servant unless it’s to a crit.

Berserkers: Vlad III

Berserker classes such as Vlad also love being partnered with Mashu, being able to worry less about the damage being sent their way due to her numerous defense buffs. Vlad is also an Arts centric Berserker, meaning that once again, he is able to Arts chain easily. This leads to his NP, Kazikli Bey being used often, getting rid of opponents easily.

His berserker class means that he is able to deal effective damage to all enemies, while taking increased damage. However, with Mash, he is able to put out even more damage while reducing the risk of death due to her defense skills.

He is also one of the best offensive Arts characters, thus allowing him to cover for Mash’s low offensive skillset. However, Vlad’s NPgen isn’t the best in the game. You will have to take note of this fact and cover for it with either an NP boosting skill, NP gen skill or consistent Arts chains.

Healer: Nero (Brider, Saber)

Nero Claudius (bride) does not directly support Mash, however, she slots in well with any potential teammates that Mash will enjoy being paired with. Nero provides a heal with a defense buff, a NP gen buff and a Attack and stargen buff. All of these can be aimed at any member of the party, making it extremely flexible.

Her deck is a classic Saber build, featuring two Arts cards as well as her NP being a single target Arts card. It applies a Burn, defense down and a crit chance down on hit, keeping your team safe from crits while also crippling the enemy with damage over time. It also increases your entire team’s damage output by dropping the defense of the foe. Nero’s Arts gain relies on her Arts cards critting regularly so as to overcome her not so terrific NPgen of 2.1%. This ensures that she gets her NP up often to protect the team while also crushing enemies.

Powerful support: Waver

As always, Waver is an extremely powerful support that can be fielded into any squad. Featuring NP boosts to every single one of his skills. He has a 10% boost to the NP gauge on both his offensive and defensive debuffs. His offensive buff is at a solid 30% while also offering a flat 500 damage boost to all attacks when max level. His defense buff provides a further 30% defense boost while also reducing damage taken by 500 for 3 turns, assuming it is at max level. Lastly, arguably his most potent skill, it increases an ally’s critical damage by 50% while also boosting the NP gauge of the target servant by a whopping 30%.

Mash can rest easy, either popping her defense buff at the same time or taking turns with Waver to buff defence, allowing for an almost never-ending loop of defense buffs. He also further increases damage output that Mash sorely lacks in her kit aside from her NP. This allows her to focus on protecting the team while Waver makes the job much easier for her. Masters will however, have to take note of the cooldown timings and be cautious when using Waver’s skills. Having the right timing can be the meaning between life and death.


As many players will not have so many top tier servants at their disposal, here are some easier to come by alternatives to play around with.

Hans Christian Andersen

Hans is a great budget support to pair with Mash, providing a wide skillset that can cover almost any situation, fitting into almost any squad. Some call him Merlin and Waver’s secret love child. His support buffs will help Mash do her job well and easily while also providing the Arts cards the team needs to chain.


Medea seems like a support on the surface but hides a potent NP under her belt. With a 750% NP multiplier being easy to attain thanks to her low rarity, she can be extremely good at dealing some solid damage while being able to spam it consistently. An Arts focused deck comes in handy as always.


Asterios is a situational one star support who can come in clutch at times. He focuses on Burst debuffing, which means he has huge debuffs on one turn.The team’s job is to take advantage of the fact and abuse it. This once again helps with Mash’s defensive capabilities while also helping with the team’s damage output. The team does however, need to support his Arts gain due to his lack of Arts cards. Being able to fill his gauge up often can be critical in dire situations.


Mash is relatively easy to raise when compared to the rest of the servants in her star range. Her being in the Shielder class means that she requires ALL class EXP cards to receive a bonus from them. She ascends according to how far in you are in the story, meaning that you don’t have to worry about materials. This also gives you a soft-cap to level towards, meaning that you don’t have to rush levelling and ascending.

Her skills all require 5 copies of a single material in every level. Not requiring skill gems and only needing a single type of material means you can get her skills to full potential with not much trouble.

Lastly, you get her NP levels based on where you are at in the story. At the current moment, Mash reaches a max of NP level 3 at the current moment, which also further strengthens her performance without using up any resources.


Mash is consistently brought to high level boss fights, serving as a top tier Tank who can take hits and ensure that the team stays alive. During the CCC event against Kiara, she used her NP in conjunction with her defense skill, rendering Kiara’s NP close to negligible against the rest of the team. Many a time Mash can also tank a Single Target NP by herself thanks to her taunt and invincibility skill. As long as the boss does not have invulnerability pierce, she can shrug it off like a best kouhai should.

Her third skill can be popped when she needs her NP or when she needs to redirect attacks, making her more versatile than most would think. She is commonly paired with the 4 star CE, Divine banquet, making her third skill even more potent than before.

She also boasts 0 cost on the team, a life saver considering that even at the level cap of 140, you do not have enough cost to field a full 5 star Servant and CE team.

When played right and paired with the right servants, Mash stays at the head of the game, consistently ranking as the best 4 star servant you can use in the game. Her skillset can be fit into any type of team though an optimal one would be an Arts focused one.

For more detailed information on Mashu, visit her servant page here:


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