
Gem Magecraft: Antumbra

FGO Gem Magecraft: Antumbra, Craft Essence, Rating, Best Servants to Equip, How to use, and Tips.
[US] Fate Grand Order
Fate/Accel Zero Order Event Guides & Tips
update 18/07/2017

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Gem Magecraft: Antumbra

A decent CE to have of you have servants that are focused on hitting criticals but doesn’t provide other utility outside of that.




Gem Magecraft: Antumbra

NormalIncrease Critical Strength by 25%
Max LimitIncrease Critical Strength by 30%

How to use

The increase in critical damage by equipping this CE is suitable to be used by servants that have a high chance of dealing critical damage by themselves. Therefore, we should be looking for servants that has a high star absorption which are the common trait among Rider and Archer classes. Besides that, it is also compatible with servants that can increase their star absorption using skills such as Jeanne d’Arc (Alter) and Brynhildr.

Suggested Servants

Servants that can generate large amount of critical stars along with a high star absorption are recommended to be equipped with this CE to increase their critical damage.

Other Craft Essences

By effect type

Max Bond CE


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Okay, question... The game loads to title menu just fine... but the moment I access the @@@ing ga...
How do i unlock the final singularity of the prison tower
It's nothing special. All the Craft Essences listed are ones that are unavailable, and obvio...
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Servants Ranking

Craft Essence Ranking


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