
Setsubun Event Boss Guide

Fate Grand Order Setsubun event, how to beat boss, strategies and tips.
[JP] Fate Grand Order
Fate/Apocrypha Event: Inheritance of Glory Guide
update 02/02/2018
Setsubun event pages
Event guideBoss guide

10th Floor


Not a difficult fight. Unless you're not using your best team to minimize fatigued servants. Hokusai is a fairly straight forward fight, as a foreigner most of your servants will deal neutral damage against her unless you have your own foreigner or alterego class servant. This Leaves your options of dealing large damage to critical based teams or NP spam. Hokusai herself is generally a non-threat until her NP ticks down, but for people who would be caught unawares with lower level servants or only using one high level servant her ability to layer defense downs can significantly boost her damage output in a short amount of time.

20th Floor


The battle against gorgon is fairly easy when going all out. As an avenger she will be vulnerable to Moon Cancer class servants which are very rare. Otherwise, those who want to deal big damage will be reliant on berserkers. She's much more vulnerable than Hokusai in regards to damage taken. Her HP bar is much lower in comparison to Hokusai but the base damage she deals is greater. If you want to comfortably cross this boss without trouble or your top servants you will need to charge your NP in the initial battle or put a support servant on your team to keep your damage dealers on the field long enough to beat Gorgon.

30th Floor

れべるあげきゃらBerserker 17,976
れべるあげきゃらBerserker 18,119

Against Sherlock you will want an avenger in your team. They are the only way to deal meaningful damage to Rulers with no drawbacks. You can use berserkers in case you don't have access to avengers but the effect is much lesser. Like most rulers, Sherlock deals little damage for a boss. He can buff himself to increase his attack power and critical strike damage to a ridiculous degree so an exchange with berserkers might be a little risky. If you want to play a more reserved game, you can beat him by attrition given that his base damage is low and his damage affinity against your servants are neutral.

40th Floor

邪鬼 Berserker 12,417
小鬼 Berserker 10,785
武蔵坊弁慶:忠義の鬼Lancer 96,360/
轟力丸 Rider74,101

This floor is where things get a bit more challenging so feel free to bring some of your higher tier servants. You will be fighting Benkei and two large oni. The oni deal a significant amount of damage per turn, roughly 2000-4000 damage per round. The problem lies in Benkei as he has the taunt skill which also provides him a boost in defense. This makes this battle one of choices with burst damage. You either defeat Benkei immediately so his taunt can't meddle in combat anymore or you have to defeat the oni to reduce enemy damage potential.

It is suggested to focus on Benkei in this case so bring your stronger saber class servants to make quick work of Benkei. Use the first battle to charge up your NP gauge.

50th Floor

ベオウルフ:喧嘩の鬼Berserker 70,137

You will be fighting Quetzalcoatl and her team of muscle heads on this floor. This battle is purely burst damage. You can see this based on their line up of 2 berserkers. Bringing in defensive servants like Shielder or any Ruler class servant with support skills can help the survivability of your servants but speed will be your preferred method. At this point you should have 2 servants with the 5-star event CE Dress for Demons. Give your third servant kaleidoscope or Demonic Bodhisatva, preferably with an group target Noble Phantasm and NP charge skill(Ishtar, Ereshkigal) in case your kaleidoscope isn't at full Limit Break. This should allow you to wipe out Spartacus and Beowulf on the first turn and severely weakening Quetzalcoatl. Fergus should go down easy and, despite her high damage output, Quetzalcoatl should go down before she's able to use her Noble Phantasm or defeat any of your servants. Remember, her Noble Phantasm is single target only so your strength will be in your numbers.

60th Floor

清姫:安珍にとっての鬼Berserker 226,760

A much more difficult fight than the previous boss floor. You should bring your best servants here. If only because the class affinities of the enemy and their respective roles don't make things easy. Osakabehime is easily the least threatening of the three. Her role in their party is support and the HP and Defense boost she provides is laughable compared to what damage you can inflict. Kiyohime is a massive threat, as a berserker she will have naturally effective attacks against all if not most of your servants. This is not yet taking into account her Noble Phantasm which can launch in 3 turns or less. Kiyohime's Noble Phantasm in this state can easily decimate the team so it's highly advised to remove her from the field as soon as possible. Tamamo also acts as support, but she is vastly more dangerous than Osakabehime. Tamamo's support boosts the NP meter of her allies, this means that Osakabehime or Kiyohime will receive a turn acceleration to their Noble Phantasm. This is especially bad when passed on to Kiyohime, but thankfully she will focus more on boosting Osakabehime in most cases.

The best idea here is to defeat Kiyohime first. Despite her 226k health, she is still a berserker and should take massive amounts of damage. With the Brave Chains or chain of Noble Phantasms, she should go down in a turn or two. Next is defeat Osakabehime as her HP is much smaller than Tamamo's. Tamamo on her own is easy and should be defeated without trouble, granted you have at least two servants at medium health.

70th Floor

1/2 小鬼 Berserker18,688
邪鬼Berserker 27,489
獅子男Caster 70,972
クレオパトラ:夫婦愛の鬼Assassin 133,504

Easy fight. Most of the damage will come from Cleopatra. Ceasar has the opposite of a taunt, a focus fire command, and direct Cleopatra to attack only one of your servants. The pair shouldn't pose much of a threat after charging your NP gauges during the first battle. Just unload once the second battle starts and beat Ceasar when his initial HP gauge breaks.

80th Floor

邪鬼Berserker 26,420
謎のヒロインX〔オルタ〕:和菓子の鬼Berserker 75,144

Straightforward battle. The only actual threat is EMIYA. It's best to bring a Lancer specifically to defeat him. You can bring a Saber servant to deal with Parvati but neutral damage with the event CE should be enough to deal with her and Boudica. Tawara is barely a footnote in this fight as he should go down from your lancer quickly, granted the lancer has the event CE. Make sure that you have stun, invincible, evade or GUTS on your party in case EMIYA reaches his Noble Phantasm.

90th Floor

1/2 小鬼 x2Berserker34,468
酒呑童子:等身大酒天抱き枕 x2Assassin42,945

Floor 90 is where you will fight Ibaraki douji and her army of Shuten doujis. We say army because you will be fighting more than 2 if you opt to beat them first. Each Shuten will heal Ibaraki and any remaining Shuten on the field before dissipating. As long as Ibaraki is on the field, she will continuously summon new Shuten doujis to the field. It's then imperative to defeat Ibaraki first. Despite being assassins, each Shuten can deal anywhere from 2,000-4,000 damage in one attack. Ibaraki herself is worse and can deal far more as a berserker. Bringing shielder along should help in survival.

Despite what has been said, this will be another case of burst damage racing. You want to put Ibaraki out of commission as fast as possible. Given her class berserker this should be fairly easy. High attack power servants like Jeanne Alter, Musashi and King Hassan are the kinds of servants you want for this job. Their high buster count should be able to land you buster chains or brave chains to quickly deplete Ibaraki's break gauge and their Noble Phantasms should bring enough damage to take care of the little berserker on the following turn. The Shuten doujis are fairly fragile and should pose no problems after defeating Ibaraki Douji.

100th Floor

The 100th floor is inhabited by Shutendouji. She is extremely sturdy with a break gauge of 573k and a normal HP bar of 33k. She is very dangerous and an all out damage race with her is ill-advised or downright impossible. with her buffs and criticals, her attacks easily reach into the 4000s which is enough to render any servant down to half their HP. And she can attack up to 3 times. She will regularly throw out a charm skill which can hit your whole party rendering them disabled for 1 turn. Her Noble Phantasm makes the fight much worse as it functions as you would expect. Not only does it deal heavy damage to your party but inflicts all sorts of debuffs which make your party easy pickings: from poison, to skill seal, to ATK down and more. Once you reduce the break gauge to 0, Shuten's defense skyrockets due to a 4 turn damage resistance buff. Despite the relatively small 33k HP she has, all but the strongest of your servants may struggle to deal over 1k damage on any single hit.

The best way to deal with Shuten douji is defensive play. You can try to race her with damage but that's a very hit or miss tactic which may land more in the misses. You will want servants who have good mental debuff resistance or immunity to charm like King Hassan on your team. Females should provide a decent resistance Shuten's charm as well though her chance to hit is still fairly high. You will want servants with the ability to heal debuffs and get out of dodge from Shuten's Noble Phantasm. The mystic code: Atlas Academy uniform would also help a lot for this battle as it provides invincibility, debuff heals and cooldown reduction for servant skills.

110th floor

On the 110th floor you will be fighting 2 berserkers and 1 caster: Darius III, Vlad III, and Gilgamesh(caster). This fight will be a damage race. Darius and Vlad both have well over 6-digit HP counts, around 140k-160k. The damage they deal is no joke either at 2k-4k per hit. Straight up damage racing them will do you no good. Even if you can pump your servants' attack to insane degrees, it's unlikely that you'd be able to drain their HP bars from 140,000k to 0 in one or two turns. And even if you could, that would likely leave you without any resources for another. And relying on your servant's NP means you will need a few turns to charge as you will be effectively locked into using the event CE which only provides a 30% initial NP charge(the 100% damage boost is too good to give up).

Instead, I advise that you should play a stall game alongside side your damage race game. Invincibility skills, evasion skills, guts and even stuns will be critical. skills which you generally save for dealing with NP should be used immediately as every turn is a potential wipe for your team or at least a threat that can reduce them to a critical state. This will buy you maybe an extra turn or two to finish them off before dealing with Caster Gilgamesh. Caster Gilgamesh isn't too bad of a threat. His NP can deal roughly 10k-14k damage to servants he deals neutral damage to. Servants can resist caster attacks will survive through one cast of his Noble Phantasm even without the usual defensive buffs. Despite his large break gauge and decent health bar, Caster Gilgamesh should go down easy provided you are using a servant that deals effective damage to him like riders or alteregos.

120th floor

You will be fighting Medea and Medea Lily on this floor. It is generally discouraged to defeat Medea Lily first due to her noble phantasm being only a light heal which poses no real threat to the party, though her normal attacks still deal a fair amount of damage. Medea, on the other hand, must be defeated right away due to her Noble Phantasm. Do not let the 5 tick bar fool you, Medea can charge her NP bar and accelerate her Noble Phantasm to deploy in two to three turns. Once you destroy Medea's break gauge, there is a chance for poison to affect all units on the field, including Medea and Medea Lily. This is likely Medea Lily's only real function as her NP can heal their side of the poison which deals 2500 damage per turn, turning the fight from a damage race to a battle of attrition. It is then recommended that you bring healers of your own like Martha to remove the poison as well. Once Medea is defeated and the poison is neutralized, Medea Lily will be easy to defeat due to her lack of any serious offensive capability.

130th floor

Billy the Kid isn't too bad when the fight starts. It starts as a straight damage race but once you destroy his break gauge, things get much worse. Once his break gauge goes down, he gains the ability to inflict ATK down status on any servant he attacks. Those can stack quickly and make damage racing disadvantageous due to Billy's 6-digit HP. Bringing high damage servants or high critical attack servants is advisable. Alternatively, you can also bring your own capable attack buffers(Artoria Lancer, Artoria Lancer Alter) to counter act attack down and debuff removers to completely remove them once they stack too much.

140th floor

Charles Babbage is one of the more difficult, if not annoying, fights of the event. Babbage's special ability is persisting chance of evasion. This means that for the duration of your fight, there is a chance that some of your servants' attacks will be dodged by Babbage. This extends to Noble Phantasms as well. For those unfamiliar with the mechanics, this chance dodge is based on command cards so multi-hit cards will not help as Babbage will dodge the whole attack.

Using Rider class servants should give you the edge in the fight. Babbage's Noble Phantasm is not too powerful as it is survivable even without resist. The fight will likely be a drawn out brawl so having a healer or maybe using more than the minimum number of servants in the fight is advisable. Ofcourse you can bypass the evasion entirely by using Sure-hit CEs like "With One Strike" or "Firing the First Arrow". Know that you will be giving up the damage boost from the Event CE "Dress for Demons" so it's advised to use this tactic with Riders only.

150th floor

Hessian Lobo gives NP charge per turn in exchange for lowering your servants' defense. Initially a boon, you will quickly be regretting that as Lobo only needs to use 2 of his 3 attacks to defeat any one of your servants. Given the disparity in HP, you will want to practice similar tactics as with floor 110. You want to damage race with Lobo, but at the same time hamper his progress. Stuns, invincibility and guts are good ways to chip at his HP while remaining untouched. Taunt servants are also good to draw his attention away from your main damage dealers. Locking up Lobo like this is even more important when his break gauge is destroyed and your party suffers a maximum HP down debuff along with an attack debuff. As an Avenger servant, Lobo is weak to Moon Cancer servants so having BB in your party may provide an advantage. As an avenger, Lobo doesn't have many defensive options either so bringing your heaviest hitters like Jeanne Alter is not a bad decision to boost your damage per round.

Do note that Lobo has permanent Sure-hit buff so evasion is useless in this fight.

160th floor

Ruler Martha is a fairly difficult fight. Her damage isn't too overwhelming but the resistance afforded to her by the ruler class combined with her massive HP makes fighting her a draining process, both to your servants and the player. Unless you have an Avenger in your servant pool, you will be fighting a battle of attrition and will likely see her Noble Phantasm deploy more than once.

170th floor

You'll be fighting 3 servants on this floor. Hector and David are somewhat threatening, dealing around 2000-3000 damage on their own. The two should fall fairly quick especially to a noble phantasm that can damage all enemies. After clearing out the two, you will only have to deal with Moriarty. It is especially good to fight moriarty alone if you have a lancer on your team or with allies if you have an ally with taunt. Fighting Moriarty with an ally is good because of his Noble Phantasm's nature as a single target attack. This helps protect your key servants from dying especially if you have another servant with taunt to ensure Moriarty hits an unimportant target. Fighting Moriarty alone has its own advantages because his attacks are all multi-hit. Lancers who will take half damage from this will definitely benefit from the large gains in NP charge that Moriarty will provide, about 30%-50% per turn. Moriarty is the one with the break gauge and his ability is a guts status that restores 20,000 HP from death 3 times. For those fighting 1 on 1, this means you are sure to have to deal with his NP at least once before finally finishing him so be sure to have at least one method of saving your servant.

180th floor

Fairly straight forward fight. It's best to treat this battle as a damage race. You will be fighting Jing Ke, Summer Anne and Drake. Drake's boss ability and break gauge ability to increase critical damage and critical rate ups per turn make this a dangerous fight to drag out. Drake's NP is 5 bars long but it's best to remember she has the ability to accelerate its charge. She doesn't do this aggressively though, preferring more to attack. Defeating Jing Ke and Summer Anne should come first. Once Drake is alone, any heavy hitting assassin you have in your servant pool should be able to beat Drake handily, especially if they can land their Noble Phantasms at least once. Preferable assassins for this fight are King Hassan and Jack the Ripper as they have built in defensive skills that will help them survive in case Drake is in range to defeat them with her own Noble Phantasm.

190th floor

You will be fighting Shuten clones again on this floor but instead of Ibaraki, they are lead by Raikou. Raikou is a berserker and will deal tons of damage. Her HP is pretty high sitting at 224,809 for her break gauge and 409,560 for her actual HP bar. The Shuten clones are finite now, for better or for worse, with only 6 copies but each one will heal their party for 30,000 on death. Raikou has the ability to effectively kill 1 Shuten clone per turn outside of the regular action economy to activate the heal. Raikou's regular attacks will deal 3000-4000 damage but her critical attacks can easily defeat a servant in one attack. It's almost mandatory to bring at least one of your heaviest hitters to this battle, if only to keep pace with Raikou's damage output. You also want to bring servants with defensive capabilities like Jeanne de Arc, Shielder, Merlin and others that can increase the suvivability of your party, particularly your damage dealers. If not, you can bring servants with their own defensive skills like Jeanne Alter as your damage dealers or Foreigner servants which resist Berserkers.

Do note that while Raikou's break gauge ability of removing buffs on attack may not be particularly impressive, it does pose a problem to those relying on invincibility and evasion for survival as they are buffs and will be removed on the first attack. Any succeeding attacks Raikou does will still hit for damage.

200th floor

The 200th floor will be a fight against Kintoki. Despite being the last boss, the fight is relatively easy compared to previous floors. Kintoki has 3 life bars: first break gauge is 167,000 which will remove all buffs on him when broken, second break gauge is 222,000 which will remove all debuffs(except his own persisting abilities) from himself when broken, and his actual HP bar which is 756,000. Kintoki is still dangerous but not to the same degree as Raikou at floor 190. Kintoki still has the ability to defeat one of your servants each turn but he is hampered by his own condition which stacks ATK downs on himself each turn. Laying your own debuffs on him is possibly the best strategy while beating him with a damage dealer. Damage racing is not a necessity here.

Do note that Kintoki has persisting invincibility pierce so evasion should probably be your choice of defense. Kintoki's Noble Phantasm is single target as well so it's not capable of wiping your party. In case you find yourself needing to defend against it, a taunt servant may be useful for effectively dealing with it.


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